Chapter 6- Caught

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Author's note: I'm clearly really bad at updating. The plan still is to finish this series (If it is the last thing I do). Anyway, I hope you guys like this chapter! And because I will definitely not get a new chapter out for a while HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Percy's POV
After suffering through possibly the longest Sunday to ever exist, Monday finally arrived.

I woke up fast and got ready in ground breaking time, crashing into the kitchen. Annabeth tried to get to school at 7:45 so that she could get 40 minutes to study and do homework before her first class. But usually only on Monday's, Tuesday's and Friday's because on Wednesday's and Thursday's she has student council before school. It doesn't really matter because the only days I don't have swim practice before school is Monday anyway.

I stumble to the fridge pushing my t-shirt on. My moms cooking something in the Frypan. "Morning mom," I say taking the milk out.

"Good morning, Percy. You do realize it's 7:20 on a Monday right? Why are you rushing you don't have to be at school for another hour?" Mom asks, putting some eggs on my plate.

I sit next to my baby sister and start to inhale my food, "I'm going to get there early to study." I manage to get out that many words before I kiss my sisters head and hug my mom then practically run into the door rushing to school.

They must've looked at me like they didn't know who I was. Percy Jackson rushing off to school to study? Who would think? But they don't know about Annabeth yet. I don't know when they will, maybe they never will.

I run and get to school at the same time just slightly before Annabeth. She sees me and I try to hide my exhaustion as best as possible.

"Annie! Funny seeing you here this early. How are things?"

"Things are fine." She smirks, "did you wake up early to meet me here?"

"Huh I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm just here to study."

"Well well, Percy Jackson studying. Am I rubbing on you?" Annabeth teased as we made our way to her locker.

It was pretty early so not many people were here unless they had a club before class.

"So...Saturday was fun. So tonight, Mom and Paul are going to a festival in Hartford and they're staying out till tomorrow. Plus, they're dropping my little sister off at Paul's parents. So you can stay a lot longer." I said all this leaning against a locker while Annabeth rummaged through her book bag.

"Shit," Annabeth let out a shaky breath, "unfortunately, I'm busy tonight because my stepmom has something planned. Sorry, I couldn't keep my promise."

As Annabeth gets up I ask, "that's cool what about tomorrow?"

"Uhm, I don't know." For the first time today, I see that there were faint, red dots around her neck.

"Woah woah," I pull back her hair to see them better but then she pushes my hand back. "What's on your neck?"

"It's nothing, Percy, just a little rash is all." She was flustered and her voice was very small. I knew there was more but I couldn't tell if right now was the best time to get into it.

"Are you sure it is alright?" I asked even though I knew the answer.

"It's fine. I went to the doctor yesterday, and they gave me medicine so it should be better in no time." She smiled then she closed her locker and started walking away. There was obviously something wrong, but she was definitely not going to tell me so I just had to make sure I got to her at some point about it.

"Hey! I thought that we could talk a little more." I yelled chasing after her.

"I thought you were here to study?" She smirks again.

I grab her lightly by the shoulders, completely forgetting where we were and that there were wondering eyes all around us, "If you tell me there is nothing wrong then I'll leave it at that for now, but you know you can talk to me about anything right?" My voice was low and barely above a whisper.

"I know, Percy. Thank you." The mood suddenly changed when we realized how close our bodies were, "You know I'm really sorry about not making it tonight, right? Or do I need to make it up to you?" Her lips raise to my ear and I don't think I could repeat the things she told me with out choking. Then she took ahold of my arm and we ran to the nearest closet.

Rachel's POV
"Rachel, you better have a good reason for telling me to meet you this early? Why are people here?" Reyna was the type of girl who got up at 8:00 and rushed to school in her pjs.

"Well sorry for hoping that my friend would be willing to talk to me about what I'm going through." I sigh and start walking away from her.

I knew Reyna was the type to follow me even when she was pissed at me, "Okay, what's up? Still depressed about Percy? You broke up with him weeks ago. He'll probably get back together with you in a day or so."

"That's the thing. We usually get back together but we're not. In fact, I think he might have moved on?"

"What do you mean moved on?" We suddenly stop in the hallway. "Like he's dating or..."

"No, Percy isn't the type to jump into a relationship after me, but I wouldn't be surprised if he was fucking some bitch."

"How can you say that? You didn't break up that long ago?"

"What do you mean? It is Percy fucking Jackson! He's a play boy and he can't remain in a relationship with out getting bored of banging the same hoe. How do you think his body count rises?" I scream this in Reyna's face because I am so sick of people thinking that me and Percy were the perfect couple.

Sure we kept coming back to each other, because we were comfortable with each other. But at the end of the day, Percy is just another boy who wants what he wants. He had a pattern and I was cool with the pattern. We would be dating, we would get in a fight, break up, he would have sex with a few new girls, and then when he felt a need for romance he would come back to me. And it wasn't like I stayed celibate during these break up times. But this one was different. Our break up felt real, and we weren't going through the same motions as usual.

We start walking again and stop cold in our track. Speak of the Devil, Percy Jackson with a blond acting super close. Well well well, I guess I wasn't wrong. I got my phone out and took a picture.

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