Chapter 3- wandering thoughts

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Annabeth POV

The whole weekend was spent with me trying to nurse myself back to health and me trying to make sense of what just happened with Percy.

We decided that it was just a one night stand and that it wouldn't happen again. But right after we had agreed on that when I was picking up my clothes scattered throughout the room I caught him checking me out and I jumped him. Needless to say we definitely were in bed for way longer than intended.

It's Sunday night and while I'm trying to do my homework and study all I can concentrate on is Percy. I've been crushing on him since middle school and from what happened Friday night and Saturday morning it seems like he's into me to.

But No! I can't get involved with him. I have to concentrate on school. My worst mistake I've ever made was deciding to be in a relationship freshman year. I dated a senior and everyone told me that he only dated me because I was fresh and something new. I didn't believe them and was convinced he was in love me. But I caught him cheating towards the end of the year. It was right before finals and I couldn't concentrate well enough to do that good on them.

If I get involved with him I'm bound to get hurt again. I can't risk it. No matter how tempted I am. I can't ruin my future.

The next day at school I walk in and find Nico, Will, and Leo at my locker.

"Hey boys." I greet as I open my locker to retrieve some books. 

"Hey Annabeth, didn't see you much at the party. Where did you go?" Leo asked.

Damn it. I knew they were going to ask why I went missing, but I wasn't prepared to actually have to lie to them. 

"Oh...well you know me. I had to go home and study for the bio quiz tomorrow." I smile at them, "excuse me."

Oh god I can't lie about this. This is going to tear me up inside and I already feel sick to my stomach. As I go down the hall to try to find Piper, I catch her lip locked with Jason in front of her locker.

Well now I know why i couldn't reach her at all this weekend. I turn around quickly and slam into Percy Jackson.

"Ohh...Jeez" I groan rubbing my head.

"Sorry about that, Annabeth." He apologizes, pulling one of my curls behind my ear. His mouth moves to my ear and he whispers, "can we talk later."

I find myself nodding before words come out, "wait no. Um, Percy, I really can't do any—" he hold a finger to my mouth.

"Please it will only take a second." He looks at me with baby seal eyes and I can't resist.

"Okay. Free period?"

"I'll find you." He winks and walks away.

Free period comes around quicker than It usually does. My mind was less distracted after I gave myself many pep talks in my head. I was currently outside in the courtyard reading next to Nico. Percy was completely out of my mind.

"Do you think he's just not ready or do you think it's never going to happen?" Nico's been talking for a while but I wasn't really paying attention.

"I'm sorry." I put my book down, "what?"

Nico rolls his eyes, "Will hasn't made a move. I just don't think anything's going to come out of it."

"Will just might not be on the stick right now. He's bi right?" I said that before I even thought about how mean it was. Nico looked hurt. "No! That's not what I mean. I mean he's probably not ready for a big relationship right now. But I don't know. He's been talking to you so I'm sure he's into you or maybe he just wants to be friends."

"Yeah." Was all he said.

"Why don't you make the first move?" I asked because I still felt bad. "It can't hurt."

"I hope I'm not interrupting." I turn around to see Percy standing behind me. Suddenly I remember that he was going to talk to me.

"Oh. Nico I have to go." I gather my stuff and stand up. Nico looks really confused but he still waves me goodbye.

Percy grabs my arm and rushes me inside and he experimentally navigates us to a closet next to the weight room. When the door slams he has me against the door and he's got his mouth all over my neck. Part of me told me to fight him off but the other stronger part urged me to give in.

I attempted to reason, "Wait!" I breathed he stopped and looked up at me with his beautiful, sea green eyes. "We shouldn't do this."

His eyes searched mine, "You're right. It's just that being together was the nicest time I've had in a long time. I don't want to stop and I know you don't either." His lips brushed against mine in a soft kiss and any reasonable thought that I possessed drifted away.

I grabbed his belt and started undoing it. "We still have 30 minutes." I told him breathlessly, "but this is the last time."

He grabbed my thighs and wrapped my legs around his waist. He pressed his mouth to the ear and whispered in a dominating voice, "whatever you say."

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