Chapter 5- The Date

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Authors note:
Hey people who actually read this (if anyone)! Sorry I haven't updated in a long time life's been crazy and I'm kinda just stressed. But I'm definitely going to finish this story. I'm making up for the lack of updates with an extra long chapter. It's a little dark at first (anxiety attack warning) and there's some depressing parts. But it gets fluffy so... till next time!

Annabeth POV

I stood in front of my mirror again, looking at the outfit I had on. I knew it was silly to overthink these things. Percy probably didn't care what I wore but I really wanted to look good tonight.

These past few weeks have been insane and I was so glad when Percy asked me out on a real date.

I don't know maybe I'm just hyping this up too much in my head. Why would anyone like him like anyone like me? We may be physically attracted to each other but I don't know. It's not we have similar interests in any way.

Percy is very interesting to talk to. His life philosophy is so much different than mine. He talks about traveling the world after high school and moving somewhere closer to an ocean that isn't always trashed. If he goes to college he wants to study ocean biology. And he wants to help ocean clean ups. Which is so nice and cute.

But he doesn't have a real set plan. It's not his fault, but he says he's not going to be able to afford college.

We have two completely different plans in life. Well, I have a plan. He doesn't.

"Ugh what am I doing?" I sit on the foot of my bed with my head in my hands, rubbing my eyes. I can't date Percy freaking Jackson. He must've been high or drunk when he asked me out. That's the only logical explanation to this whole thing.

How can someone like Percy like someone like me? He must have hundreds of prettier more outgoing girls hitting on him. And he chooses me?!! It makes no sense.

A part of brain is telling me to give in to the romance of this situation. That a boy likes me. That maybe I'll have one of those cheesy rom com stories and we somehow make it work.

Another part of brain, the more logical part, is telling me that I have to run. Percy's a boy that will break me. Like Luke. How am I going to pull myself back together after he breaks my heart?

He's not going to break my heart.

But he will. He'll use you. Abuse you. And blame you for everything he does.

No he won't.

He'll just make you hate yourself more than you already do. He's way out of your league. There's no way he's not going to cheat on you.

No no no no no.

Just like him!

"Stop!!" I scream. Suddenly I register that I was rocking myself and crying. I get up off of my bed and stumble to my bathroom to clean myself up.

"God, I can't go out looking like this," I sniff and clean up my face then redo my makeup. Then brush through my straightened hair. I look at the mirror one more time to make sure I look ok. I'm wearing a black dress that stops halfway down my thighs. It's tight and shapes me well. I'm also wearing high heals and a necklace.

I check the time, he's probably close. The real trouble is going to be getting out of here without my dad or my stepmom questioning me. We had agreed that no one would know about us. If people find out they're going to judge us. And gossip. We don't need that right now.

It's best if no one knows.

My parents will definitely question my dress so I put on my tall button jacket.

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