Chapter 4- No control

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Percy POV

Well it wasn't the last time. For the last three weeks Annabeth and I have been meeting three to four times a week and when we're separated the only thing I want to do is call her and have her come over.

We mostly meet at my apartment before my parents come home but we have gone over to Annabeth's house a couple times. She seems very uncomfortable about doing much at her house so we try to avoid going there.

This whole thing has been completely insane. I've never been sneaking around as much as I have been these last few weeks and I never imagined I would be doing them with Annabeth. I never really talked to Annabeth until the night of the party. I've seen her around but we've never had any of the same classes. I always thought she was pretty and if she would of been in my circle I would have definitely asked her out.

Annabeth didn't strike me as the type to jump into what we did that Friday night. I was surprised to see her at my party. She always seemed like the type to stay home and study on a Friday night.

To be completely honest, being with Annabeth is maybe a little too much fun. Since we started we literally can't stop. Every time we make eye contact down the hall, it's like we are mentally ripping each other's clothes off. I'm not the kind to complain about sex, but we're wearing each other out. The only reason we're not together right now is because I have to work otherwise we'd probably be doing it on my desk in my room like animals.

God what is wrong with me! I've never had this problem before. I don't understand why I keep on thinking about Annabeth. We have nothing in common, but I always want to be with her. And it's not all about sex okay. We've been having a lot of conversations laying in bed and I actually find her very interesting. She has a plan for life, which is more than I have. She wants to be an architect and build monuments and buildings and stuff. I admire that about her.

The next day I'm standing in front of my locker after school overthinking whether I should text Annabeth. Right when I'm about to she beats me to it, asking if she can come over in an hour. I text back a sure see you there, maybe a little too fast.

Just when I'm about to go walk away from my locker, I feel Rachel press herself into me and whisper In my ear, "Don't you think we've been apart long enough."

I groan, "Rachel, please get off me." Suddenly I have an image of Annabeth doing the same thing to me the night of the party.

"Come on, Perce, you know we can't be separated for that long." Suddenly her hands are at my belt, which brings up another memory of Annabeth in the storage closet. "You always need me, one way or another."

Good God woman! I can't tell her about Annabeth. I don't want to think of what Rachel would do if I told her. She was always jealous about every girl I came in contact with even after we broke up. I know what she would do to Annie and I don't want to be the cause.

"Rachel, we cant keep breaking up and getting back together. We obviously can't make it work and I've moved on maybe you should too." With that I walk away.

I try to clean up my room some what before Annabeth arrives. But it's cut short when I hear, "I kind of like the mess."

I turn around to see Annabeth in a jacket which has been unzipped to reveal her in a very tight, mini dress.

I struggle to find the words. "You're here early. Why are you looking nice?" I ask with a grin. She walks up to me and wraps her arms around my neck, "Just wanted to wear something different." My hands grab at her ass and our lips meet in a passionate kiss. I lift her onto my newly cleaned desk and she wraps her legs around my waist.

As I work on the zipper of her dress, her teeth tug on my ear and I hear her describe a very dirty description of what she wants. This girl's going to be the death of me.

After, her head is on my chest her finger grazing along my skin and I'm playing with her hair. I couldn't help wishing that we were in a real relationship. I can see all the things I want to do with her. I can see her face lighting up when ask her to prom. I want to do and be things with her. And because I'm an idiot who can never leave things to myself I find myself asking "What are we doing, Annabeth?" Before I actually have time to think it through.

She looked up at me with her big grey eyes, "We're cuddling, unless you want to backtrack to something else."

As tempting as that was I couldn't just leave my thoughts alone, "that's not what I meant."

She seemed to sense my seriousness. "Then what did you mean?"

"I mean." I took a breath, "Don't you want more."

She didn't say anything which made me feel terrible, "Oh. That's fine. Just forget it. We can j—" Her lips cause me to break my sentence. It's a soft kiss unlike the ones we usually share.

When we stopped she said, "Percy I like you too. This has been great but I would also like more." Annabeth said with a bright smile on her face.

I was taken aback, I did not think she was going to say that. "Wait really?"

She laughed. "Yeah, but um... I really like you but I don't think we should make this public yet. People would talk and be annoying about it. Maybe we can just keep it slow and private?" She asked it so softly and sweet that it didn't matter what she has said I would've said yes.

"Slow and private. I can do that." I confirmed. With that I kissed her nice and tender like a boyfriend should. "But first. Would you go on a date with me?"

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