Chapter 11- Fate or not this is going to be awesome

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Annabeth's POV

Maybe Percy and I were brought together for this reason. That somehow a force beyond our control caused this to happen. Maybe it was fate. Or maybe fate wasn't a thing and this was all a coincidence. Yet, from what I've learned in my short time here on earth is that you can't control what you believe in once you are so emotionally entangled.

At that moment I knew I would maybe regret it in the future. After all, I was naive and just a child. And as society says, I had no idea what love was.

Somehow in the short time we knew each other, truly knew each other, Percy had shown me a completely new way of living. Of having fun. I didn't have to rely on what other people thought of me. My entire life has been spent seeking approval in ways that didn't matter. And I was ready to change it.

So I looked Percy in the eyes and said in complete confidence, "where do you want to go?"

2 hours  later
Annabeth's POV

It's late, and the world has never felt more still in the city that never sleeps. I roll the window down, and let the cool air fill up the car. The lights in the distance and the sound of New York City traffic. But it all feels disconnected.

A part of me was going to miss it.

We pulled over to the rickety town houses I had been to numerous amounts of times. I knew it well. I remember the birthday parties, the sleepovers, the study sessions.

I look over at Percy and he looks back at me. He takes my hand and squeezes it.

"I'll be with you. You can do it." That's all the encouragement I need.

We get out and make it up the steps and knock.

Piper's dad opens the door. "ANNABETH it's great to see you! Man it's been a while. Where have you been? We've really missed you. And who is this?" He had slowed down when he saw Percy.

"Oh, this is Percy Jackson...I'm so sorry to bother you, I was wondering if we can see Piper please."

He looked between the two of us skeptical as if he wasn't convinced this was happening. To be honest, I couldn't remember the last time I had to been in the same room as him. Gosh, has it really been that long since I was last here?

"Of course, you are always welcome."

Before I knew it, I was outside of Pipers room. Percy knocked this time.

Leo actually answered.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" He looked at me and me only.

"Much better." At the sound of my voice, Piper kicked Leo out of of the way and rushed to give me a hug.

"Annie I'm so so so so so so sorry. I should've never said those things to you. I'm a terrible person. I swear I'll make it up to you." Her voice was shaking and she hugged me hard.

"Pipes, I'm sorry too. And it's okay, everything is okay. We can move pass this, i know we can."
I pulled away and looked at my two friends. Possibly my best ones.

We all fell into easy conversation. Which was honestly kind of nerve wrecking. We made it into Piper's room and Percy kept an arm over my shoulder. It was nice and comforting. Eventually it became silent as we all struggled to bring something mindless up in conversation.

"Well," Leo said breaking the silence, "I don't know about you, but I'm suspended."

"Probably, same." Percy replied, drawing everyone's attention to him.

Piper had a hateful look but Leo looked more understanding. That gave me hope. We would have time for Piper to get to know Percy, really see the changed person he's become.

"That's part of the reason we're here." I took Percy's hand, "we don't want to go back. In fact we're leaving the city."

"WHAT" They both said simultaneously.

"And we want you both to come." Percy added, "we have the beginnings of a plan. We'll go west and we're not going to stop. We're asking you two, Nico, Will, and Jason to come with us. I know it sounds crazy but just think about it, what does this place have for us anyway. We all come from broken families. My dad, Annie's mom, your mom...the list goes on. I know what it's like to feel incomplete. And just because we're leaving doesn't mean we're never going to come back. But we don't want to live the rest of our time together filled with all this fucked up drama."

This genuinely left them speechless. Piper sat down on her bed and Leo sat on the floor.

"This is a lot to process..." Piper started, "but Annabeth, this just doesn't seem like you at all."

"I know but I've realized lately that I don't want to spend the rest of my life controlled by fear and doubt. I want to know what it's like to step out into the real world. Experience the fresh air and the anticipation for something new. I crave the feeling of my feet on the ground as I look up at the numerous amount of stars. We're young and we deserve this chance. I want to be with you guys everyday and every night for a long time."

In the end, we ended up with Piper, Leo, Jason, and Nico joining our little group. We left most of our belongings, including our cellphones, at our homes. Everyone also wrote notes expressing our commitment to write and a promise to one day return.

By the time we had all filed into Percy'sq van, it was the break of dawn. A new day. And I was ready for adventure.

The End.

Authors note:
I'm very very very sorry that it took so long to release this. In all honesty, I had given up on the series. When I started writing this chapter I noticed that the reads had gone down (which was probably mostly my fault) and I had completely run out of ideas for how this was going to end. And as life went on I started to forget about this. So I just decided to call it quits. But I didn't! I really hoped you all liked this...and I'm going to take requests for new story ideas. ((I could possibly make a sequel...but don't hold me to it)).It doesn't even have to be Percy Jackson. I have some ideas of my own and I'm open to anything.
Till next time!

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