Chapter 2 The Party

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Annabeth's POV

I looked myself up and down in the mirror. I'm going to a party. I never thought this would happen. Why am I doing this? I could get in trouble. I could ruin my chances of getting a scholarship. Forget scholarship I could ruin my chances of getting into college. And I have to get into college.

I let out the breath I had been holding. I was wearing a white crop top with a high neck line and a pair of old skinny jeans. I have my hair in two Dutch braids. I think It looked pretty good but as I walk outside I ran into my step mom walking by with a laundry basket.

"Where are you going?" She asked walking into my room going to my dirty clothes.

"I'm going to hang out with my friends." I answer, walking back into my room with her.

"Uh Huh. Why don't you ever wear anything I get you? What about this skirt." She lifts up a burnt orange mini skirt which I've never really had the means to wear before. It's a little slutty so It makes me uncomfortable how she's trying to make me wear it.

I take the skirt from her hands and hold it to my body. It does look better than the jeans.

"Ok I guess I'll wear it." I tell her as she leaves my room. I change into the skirt which I didn't realize was so tiny. It barely covers my ass and I have to change my underwear to one of my thongs. My legs were freshly shaven so I was actually feeling pretty good about wearing it.

Me and Piper arrive around 10:30 so we wouldn't be the first to get there. We meet up with Nico, Leo, and Will.

"Looking good Annie." Leo whistled looking me up and down. This would usually annoy me but I'm going with it.

"Thanks Leo."

There were a lot of people here and the music was terrible. Jason had a pretty big fancy house. His backyard was huge with a hot tub and a pool. There was a bar connected on the patio with a keg and a punch bowl.

I was busy talking to Leo and Nico I didn't realize that Piper had left. She came back with two cups of punch. She handed it to me. I smelled the cup and it was very overwhelming.

"I don't think I can drink this Pipes." I confess trying to hand it to Nico.

Piper grabs it and pushes it to my lips, "just one sip."

I take a sip. I don't usually drink alcohol that much. Just the occasional glass of wine with parental observation. This was definitely not wine.

Before long my cup was empty and I was feeling the effects. My stomach was warm and I felt all fuzzy. At this point our group had moved over with the others and we had all started dancing.

I got another cup. And another. And attempted to get a fourth. But Piper grabbed it from me, "you've had enough."

"No you've had enough." I was so loopy and in a blissful state of happiness. Something or someone caught Piper's attention and she walked away. I grabbed a cup and fill it up and take several sips. All of a sudden I felt a presence behind me and I saw a handsome figure when I turned around.

"well hello there." I slurred, I grabbed his hand and moved us back to the dance floor. He looked pleasantly surprised when I pressed into him and started dancing. When I felt his hands graze all over me I hummed in happiness.

"You're good at dancing," the figure murmured against my cheek.

I laughed and groaned simultaneously, "You're perfect."

His eyes darkened and I took the opportunity to grab his hand and we stumbled inside up the stairs. His mouth was all over my neck. His hands were grabbing at my thighs no doubt leaving bruises behind. I wrapped my legs around his waist pulling him closer. My hands running up and down the muscles of his back. We still hadn't made it to a room, so he pushed me against the wall of the hallway capturing my mouth in a bruising kiss.

I grabbed his shirt and growled, "find us a room now."

As I was pulling his shirt up he roughly moved us to a bedroom slamming and locking the door behind us.

I wake up to the sun shining through the window and feeling terribly nauseous. I groan and roll over to the other side and find myself on the shoulder of a man.

My eyes widen, "holy shit. What did I do?" I whisper.

I look around the room to see clothes scattered around and it looks as if it's been ransacked. I slowly look up to find Percy. Fucking. Jackson. Teen heart throb at Goode high school. I look down and sharply pull up the sheet. I'm too scared to get up out of fear of throwing up. So I just stay there my naked body against his paralyzed.

Memory of last night slowly creeps back to me. I remember drinking. I remember dancing. I remember practically grinding against Percy on the dance floor. I remember making our way to Jason's bedroom lip locked. I blush when I remember what we did in Jason's bedroom and how many times we did it. I remember getting redressed. I remember not being anywhere close to done with Percy. I remember him telling me his mom, sister, and step dad were out of town. I remember making our way to Percy's apartment. I remember resuming where we left off in Jason's bedroom.

"Oh god," I groan from a mixture of my head hurting so bad and embarrassment from last night.

Percy's arms wrap around me and hold in place. I hear him groan too. I look up to look in his eyes. He opens his perfect sea green eyes and stares at me. "How long can we stay like this until we have to talk about it?" He groans, tightening his grip and holding me closer to him.

Oh god what is wrong me? "Ten minutes."

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