Chapter 8

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Percy's POV

I can't believe how I managed to mess this situation up so badly. One second, I feel like I'm doing something right and the next I'm standing outside of Annabeth's house, banging on her door.

How did I let this get so out of hand?

*flashback to lunchtime*

"So Percy, are you finally coming back to me? I saw that someone took a picture of you and that blond girl. Tired of her yet?" Rachel asked all annoyingly sly. God, why did I ever stay with her?

"Cut the bull shit, Rachel, you and I both know you were the one who took those photos, so please stop it." We're standing next to a tree outside near the picnic tables right next to the parking lot. I didn't really register that there were so many people around. Anyone could hear us talking.

"So what if I did? You think telling the world I was the one who sent them in is going to change anything that happened? I saw you just stand there while your mistress was being hammered by the whole school. You might think that you're all changed and good, but you're not. You're just the same Percy Jackson. Only looking out for yourself."

I hated to admit it, but her words got to me. I didn't do anything. And if Rachel saw it then there's no doubt someone else saw me. It's only a matter of time before the news spreads back to Annabeth.

" ready to come back to me yet?" She repeats as if I had changed my mind in the last five seconds.

"Rachel, you might think that I'm still the same guy and maybe I am, but at least I'm capable of change. You're just always going to be this way, aren't you? Don't you get tired of it?"

She lets out a laugh and leans against the tree, "Oh hunny, you have no idea what I'm capable of." And then she takes off back to her friends.

Annabeth's POV

Well today has been a living nightmare. I literally can't say anything without being laughed at or mocked. It's been good that my friends are here and are looking out for me, but they're starting to hover a little too much. I really just want to run home and cry.

Currently I'm hiding under the stairs next to Piper who's been glaring at anyone who passes by. I still haven't talked to her about the whole Percy Jackson thing. Now's probably the best time to bring it up.

"Pipes, I'm really sorry I never told you about Percy. It was just so new and I really just wanted to to keep it myself." I tell her as I  continue stare at my sandwich. I haven't been able to eat yet. I think if I put something into my stomach I'm probably just going to throw it back up.

Piper turns her attention back to me, "Annie I don't care that you didn't telling me about it. I mean of course I would've appreciated you telling me yourself, but don't beat yourself up about it."

I should really leave it at that. I don't want to push Piper too hard, but I need to know. "Do you care that it's Percy Jackson?" Piper had something with Percy a little while back. It was nothing sexual or scandalous. Percy had just let her down and she had thought he was someone that he wasn't. It wasn't that major but it did scar her opinion of him, she's never been able to think of him as a good guy because of it. I hate to admit it, but that's probably the reason I didn't tell her about us.

"Jeez Annabeth, you make it really hard to be nice to you...I'm trying to be supportive and I don't want you to get you anymore upset. It's just that..." she grunted in frustration and looked at some people walking by, "never mind."

"Don't say that," I whisper, "obviously you have a problem with him and you can say it. I'm not going to stop you. I'm not some fragile little freshman anymore, you can tell me what you're thinking. It's fine if you don't like him."

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