chapter two • I don't like it here

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── i dont like it here

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── i dont like it here.


A MUSCLE in her ear twitched, making the girl scrunch up her nose in discomfort. There was an eerie stillness surrounding her and cold, bitter air filled her lungs. There was no warmth where ever she was ─ and there was no sound. Ramona could no longer feel her brothers hand in hers, nor could she sense Damon besides her.

Panic bubbled in her chest as her dark eyes snapped open, spinning around to see where she was. There was no Damon, James, or Bonnie near by her, leaving her alone in the woods of Mystic Falls. Except, it wasn't Mystic Falls.

Her heart sputtered in her chest, something dark was thumping through the veins of this lookalike town, and she could stand within its boundaries without feeling immense and insufferable pain, so that gave her the something's off vibe as well.

A pounding in her skull made her flinch, hands flying to her head as she gasped in pain. It felt like someone was slamming her head into a brick wall and playing drums on it as well. A scream broke from her lips, shattering nearby windows and making the inhabitants of where ever the hell they were jump at the sound.

The fell to her knees, chest heaving as her hands connected with the rough ground, small rocks, wood pieces and other various items embedded themselves into her plans, making her gasp in pain, hands withdrawing to her chest.

This place wasn't a good place, something bad had happened to create it, Ramona could feel it.

Three sets of feet bounded towards her, breaking through brush and up turned tree roots,

"Rae!" A panicked voice calls out, cursing as they trip over a loose rock, "Rae!"

Tears pricked the banshee's eyes and she fumbled onto her, calling back out to her brother. His body emerged from the tree line, worried eyes finding her immediately and Ramona had never seen him run that fast.

She let out a sob, hands locking around his neck as he hugged her waist tightly, face buried in the crook of her neck. Her body shuddered with quiet sobs, tears pouring over her cheeks as she held her brother to her.

Her dark orbs found Damon and Bonnie and sniffles, voice breaking as she spoke, "Where are we?"


RAMONA TWISTED uneasily in her thin cotton sheets, sweaty hands gripping the white fabric beneath her. Nightmares had plagued her since childhood, but since arriving in this repeating hell thwy had only become worse. Screams echoed in her ears and visions of gruesome murders danced beneath her eyelids. It was no surprise when she often woke up sobbing, her brother or Damon shaking her awake.

Some cruel days when the nightmares were wirse she awoke herself ─ screaming so loud blood fell from her nose. Her hair tangled in a sweaty mess, blood trailing past her lips, the coppery taste making her cringe.

Tonight, fortunately she didn't wake to a wet face or her own scream startling from her slumber. Rae opened her eyes to the cool summer breeze, her bedroom window which she had only left halfway open was now cracked widely, the space large enough for a body to slip through. Confused, she sat up, yawning quietly as she pushed off the thin coverings of her blanket, blinking away the sleep that blurred her eyes.

Her bare feet walked to the window, sweaty palm gripping the latch of the window, ready to pull is closed but she paused, taking in a deep breath, inhaling the crisp May air with a smile. While this place was indeed a hell, at least they were forced to repeat a nice summer day ─ Raw probably would have killed herself if they got stuck in the middle of winter; she never did well in the cold.

But her bliss was short lived when memories of her nightmare resurfaced, making her body shudder at it. Her hands fell away from the window and she propped herself up on the seat before it, staring out over the front lawn of the Salvatore Boarding House. She had to admit, the house was quiet nice, always kept in pristine condition. Rae wondered in Damon and Stefan paided people to keep it nice.

As her dark eyes washed over the night scenery before her she felt someone or soenthing watching her. Normally the thought would have made her uneasy, but knowing that it was only her and her three companions settled her nerves. Her long, black hair cascaded behind her shoulders as she leant her head back, pale skin soaking up the pleasant feel of the moonlight.

While Ramona adored the night, she loved the day much more ─ with continuous warmth, and bright colors; the world came roaring to life when the sun rose and she enjoyed it. A small smile crossed her lips as she thought of Laura, her older sister, who would take her on spontaneous picnics in random days at random hours. The smile soon fell as she remember that she would never see her again.

Pushing her from her mind, Ramona stood up shuffled past her desk to her bathroom and she was almost there ─ until her brain noticed the composition notebook she wrote her thoughs and poetry in was opened on top of it. Her Walkman sat besides it, the tape spinning as it played quietly over her headphones.

Panicked, she quickly hit the stop button, quickly tossing it into a drawer on the sesk and slapping the front of her notenook closed. She knew for a fact that she had not left either items on the desk nor had she left them playing an open.

James wouldn't come in and start reading her things in the middle of the night, and neither would Bonnie. Damon, maybe, but he was constantly complaining about when they woke him fron his beauty sleep.

Dark orbs scoured the room, a sudden feeling of death rattling through her bones as if it was a wind ─ and she was the empty house.

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