chapter one • not in kansas anymore

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── i dont think we're in kansas anymore

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── i dont think we're in kansas anymore


RAMONA WALKER was almost one hundred percent convinced her heart was about to burst from how fast it was beating inside of her small chest. Sweat built on her palms, forcing her to continously wipe them off on the back side of her jeans as she anxiously stared at the witch across from her. They both looked at one another and Rae felt her bottom lip tremble. Damon, whom they were waiting for, still had yet to show up and something dark and ugly was rearing its angry head back, telling the girl something was wrong. Something was very, very wrong.

Unease and worry infiltrated her body as she anxiously shifted from foot to foot. Normally, Ramona wasn't this nervous, she was very calm, very collected ─ but she was terrified of losing another friend of hers and scared of dying. Because after a year or two of feeling and living through the deaths of many people important to her, she had grown to be afraid of death ─ no, to be petrified of death.

It was well known to her friends that with every death, her fear only increased, creating something much, much worse. Living with the pain of feeling their deaths and the way her head feels like its about to explode when it happens, is agonizing. Ramona closed her eyes, feeling a larger and colder hand sleep into her small one.

Tearfully she looked to her brother as he gave her hand a reassuring squeeze and small smile. She moved closer to him, her other hand moving up to grip his upper arm. A heavy wind blew around them, making Ramona's raven locks blow around her face. Looking back to Bonnie, her heart broke as a wave of pain engulfed her,

"We're dying, aren't we?" She asked, voice breaking

Bonnie frowns, "Maybe." She admits sadly, reaching out to take her hand, "But at least we're together."

Damon appears besides the group and Rae felt relief sprout in her chest, "Damon."

The vampire looks at her as she moves forward, wrapping her arms around him, "I didn't think you'd make it back." She admitted, voice breaking once more

The vampire hugged her back and looked over her shoulder at Bonnie, "This place is going down, isn't it?"

Random holes of light poke through the darkness of the other side and Ramona pulls away from Damon, standing besides her brother.

"It is. I'm sure there are a million people we'd rather be with right now, but..." The witch trails off and she entwines her fingers with Damon as the vampire took Ramona's,

"A couple thousand, at most." James joked, tears burning his eyes

Ramona bows her head, whispering softlt, "Do you think it'll hurt?" Around them the fabric of reality begins to shatter, leaving nothing but light to surround them

"I don't kn - "


A SOFT humming could be heard from a room in the Salvatore Boarding House, a teenaged girl sat crosslegged on a bed too large for her with the headphones of a Walkman placed over her ears. Dainty fingers tapped against her kneecap, matching the rythum to the Queen song blasting endlessly in her ears. A serene look was painted across her soft features, had her fingers not been moving, one would think she was a statue.

In the middle of her song, the gears twisted and switched the casette to the next track, making her eyes flutter open in confusion. Her brows bent as she looked diwn, pale hands moving to pick up the yellow and white Walkman on the skirt of her dress. She curiously inspected the small device, wondering why her song had been slipped over but she didn't change it back.

Something cold trailed the length of her arm and she involuntarily shivered, obsidian eyes moving to her arm. It wasnt the usual shiver that moved thriugh her body, the ones that told her something was wrong. This one came from something light and cold, something that had touched her ─ something like a ring.

Shaking her head, she pushed herself off the bed, sock covered feet sliding lightly across the floor as she moved to the desk across the room.

"Whatcha doin'?" James asks, walking carelessly through the door

Ramona looks over to him, pulling her headphones down around her neck and smiles, "I was hoping I could finish the poetry book Damon gave me. Something to tune the voices out."

He nods, flopping onto her bed, head hanging off the edge as he blankly stared at her wall ─ which she had decided to cover in posters and pictures she had found during the duration of their stay in this hell.

"Are Damon and Bonnie fighting again?" Rae asks softly, flipping through a sonnet from Shakespear, eyes absorbing the words greedily

"Yes." He muttered bitterly, "I was half tempted to shove a fork into my eye."

The inky haired girl smirks, "Isn't Damon supposed to the one with a flare for dramatics?"

"I can be a drama queen too, Ramona." He says matter o' factly, tossing a pillow at her head, "Don't be lame."

His sister only snorts, shaking her head lightly as she flipped a page in her book, finding her brothers antics silly. James huffs and slides off the bed, slowly pattering over to her, his chin resting on the crown of her head.

"What are you doing?"

"Distracting you, obviously, I want attention." James states, pouring out his bottom lip even though she can't see it

"Go bother the others ─ I'm reading." She replied simply, only for the book to bed snatched from her hands and dangled over her head, making her frown, "James!"

The blue eyed boy only grinned, jumping away from her and holding the book over his own head, teasing her. She scoffed in disbelief, crossing her arms as she rose from her place on her chair.

She clears her throat, eyes narrowing, "We can do this one of two ways, brother dearest, the easy, nice way or the mean, hard way. It's up to you."

Grinning wildly, James hummed in thought, "The second one." He declared before darting away from her and racing from the bedroom with a cackle

"I'm gonna kill you!"

YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY! THE VERY FIRST CHAPTER OF BAD COMPANY IS DONE! I am super excited for his book, because I don't love anyone as much as I love my second hubby and my baby, Malachi Parker, he just ─ ugh! What a man!? So what better to do than write a book for him and a new baby I've created, Rae! Gosh, I love her already! I hope you guys lover her too.


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