chapter eight • by the black hole sum

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── by the black hole sun

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── by the black hole sun.


KAI, WHO was gently tapping a steady beat on Ramona's legs as he held a jar of strawberry jam (because blackberry is icky), looked at Damon, waiting for him to continue on with his story. The table that his own legs are propped up on is littered with the items he had James and Bonnie attain foe him, most of which he's barely touched because he hasn't moved, not wanting to disturb Rae's slumber. And she looked adorable curled up on the couch, full pink lips parted ever so slightly, full chest rising up and falling down evenly.

Her long legs were covered by a pink corduroy skirt that reached her knees, and buttons along the front of it. The fabric of her skirt rode up ever so slightly revealing a part of her thigh and Kai thought she looked breathtaking and through hef thin white shirt he could see the black or blue bra beneath it. His blue eyes darkened with lust and he forced himself to look away.

Wow, Kai really had been alone for way too long, that's for damn sure.

Before him Bonnie, James and Damon (who Kai was beginning to call Demon inside of his mind) were in front of the fireplace, the latter of the trio pinching the bridge of his nose in annoyance.

Kai continues to tap his fingers along her exposed skin, watching as goosebumps store on her the girls pale legs, he smirked despite himself and looked back to Demon ─ Damon, "I need to be entertained while I work."

His voice is soft, quiet, unaware that he himself did not want to wake the girl besides him, "Hell story, please." He sings, using his spoon to shovel some jam into his mouth, careful not srop any on Rae's legs

Damon huffs, turning his head to Bonnie and James, "Remind me not to kill him."

"Rae wouldn't like it."

Bonnie nods, but makes her own point, "Maybe telling him your story will take your mind off of it."

"Whose side are you on?" The vampire demands

"The side where we get to go home to the people we love?" The witch drawls in response

"I'm on that side too." James points his finger at Bonnie, looking at Rae, "Ramona doesn't like being here no matter how upbeat she seems."

Damon, who will always cave for his best friend because he loves her dearly, rolls his eyes, "Fine." He turns, now facing Kai, "On May 9, 1994, I was living here. I'd come home to walk the straight and narrow ─ " Damon stops, looking at Rae, "Somethings not right."

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