Chapter 4

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I stepped out of the elevator, but that was all I was able to do. I stand frozen as I see the red-haired girl tackle Zachary on the back. I began to laugh, but tried to keep it light as for me to not disturb this hilarious moment. Zachary had a surprised face as the girl brought him and her down to the hard wood floor. He didn't have much time to say much as she began to whack him with her purse and began screaming at him. It kept on getting harder and harder to keep my laughing down.

She yelled, "How dare you not call me back! What was so much more important than to call me yesterday!? We were supposed to make dinner plans, but you obviously forgot! Does 'the fury of Frida' mean nothing to you!? Answer me you asshole!" 

She kept whacking away as Zachary tried to get his 2 cents in. "I was . . . I can explain . . . will you stop it!"

"Don't raise your voice at me! You were the one who didn't call!"

"If you will stop whacking me then I can explain!"


I was on the ground, hugging me stomach, and no sound could come out. I bet my face is completely red right now. I finally fall to the ground laughing out loud which made Zachary and Frida stop fighting. They stared at me, but I could barely breath. I finally was able to calm down to see Zachary standing with Frida still on his back. That caused a couple of giggles to rise as Zachary yelled, "Will you get off of me!?"

Frida frowned and said, "You're no fun." She climbed off and whacked him one more time across the face. He looked stunned and glared at her. She glared back harder and he winced. 

He ran behind me and mumbled, "Save me. She's insane!"

I laughed and moved out of the way saying, "Sorry dude, you're on your own." I walk up to her and say, "Hi, I'm Crystal. I'm guessing you're Frida from your earlier ranting. It's nice to meet you."

I stuck out my hand, but she hugged me. I laughed and she said, "Nice to meet you to. Do you want to go on a date sometime?"She pulled away making a fluttering of her eyelashes and makes kissing indications with her lips.

My cheeks flamed as I couldn't believe how blunt she was being. I was slightly stunned, but said, "Sorry, I don't like girls like that."

She laughed and said, "I know, but I wanted to mess with Zach's head a little." I turn around to see Zachary with an expression that I can't put my finger on. He immediately whipped the unknown  expression off of his face and replaces it with disbelief.

He says, "Are you going to hit on everyone that walks into my office? Or is it just the secretary's?" I give him a confused look and he said, "She scared off my last few secretaries by hitting on them nonstop. She even tried to sexually touch them once. We were lucky that she didn't sue. I just gave her a transfer far away, so she wouldn't have to see Frida again." He gave Frida a look while she looked innocent, but I knew better than that.

Frida said, "I just thought she was incredibly cute! Is that so wrong?"

"Yes," I laughed at Zachary's answer and for being so blunt.

I asked, "For future reference, are all your friends or girlfriends going to be like this?" Zachary gave me another weird look which was irritating me a little.

He answered, "First of all, I haven't had a girlfriend since I started this business. Second of all, I have more friends like this, male and female, than you could have ever of imagined. I am just going to say sorry for future reference." 

I laughed and said, "It's fine. This will be one interesting job though." 

Zachary stares back at me with a smile and I looked at Frida when she said, "I will take this as my cue to leave. Zachary," He snapped his head to look at her with wide eyes, "don't forget to call me about for dinner otherwise today will seem like a walk through a daisy field." He hid back behind me as she left through his door.

I turn back to him with a smile on my face. He looks back at me with a small smile before he turned into a cold stoned face. My smile immediately dropped as he spoke, "Let's get down to business." He walks out of his office and I follow behind him. We reach the desk right across the door and he began to speak again, "This will be your office. If anyone comes to through the elevator you must call me to tell me who that person is and I will tell you to let them through or to send theme off. If they become a hassle you can call the security with this red button. If they harm you in any way you must let me know. If anyone says they are my girlfriend or wife, they are lying and you must press the red button because they are most likely here for dangerous alternative reasons. You may design this desk in any way you would want. I will require you to accompany me a lot throughout the day, but I will give you a 5 minute warning. You are allowed a one hour lunch break from anywhere between noon and 1. If you miss it then you will wait until you get off work, which is usually 6:30p.m. Although I might need for you to stay later on until we are able to finish our business. I require that you will not order anything to come into the building without my permission. I think that is it. You may get to work, which will consist of memorizing our allies and enemies in the business and to file some information into different companies. I have already sent you the e-mail with the information and I will do that once everyday, so that you will not be left out without any information. Good luck and welcome to Wethmore Industries." He walks into his office and closes the door. 

I sigh and sit at my desk. I didn't bring anything to customize it because of me running late. My stomach growls, but I force myself to not overwhelm myself with my hunger. Instead, I engulf myself in my work and it kept me preoccupied. I quickly memorized all the companies that we associated ourselves with, which was quite a huge expansion across the world. I then memorized the companies that we would never associate with, but we compete with and so far we are the best company across the country. I finally was able to look at the e-mail that Zachary sent me. There was quite a lot to add so I began to work really hard. Throughout this whole experience my stomach has been growling and has been getting louder and louder throughout the day. I saw Zachary leave his office and he told me he was getting lunch. I looked at the time to see it was a few minutes after noon. I was planning to go get lunch, but then thought that if someone came to the office then no one would be here, so I decided to get some food after Zachary came back. 

After and hour Zachary finally came back. My stomach has been killing me, but I kept a straight face and tried not to make any movements to make my stomach ache in more pain. I was half way through the e-mail work and Zachary was half-way through his door, until my stomach made the loudest growl I have ever heard. Zachary immediately stopped and turned to around to look at me. I kept my head down and just kept working as he kept looking at me.

He asked, "Crystal, have you eaten lunch?" I nodded my head, but my stomach betrayed me by growling again. He spoke again, "Tell me the truth Crystal. Have you eaten at all today? Answer me with your voice." 

I looked up and simply said, "No, and I am perfectly fine."

He gave me this weird look before saying, "No, you are going to eat something. I will take you out right now to make sure that you do eat. Come on." He lightly grabs my hand and leads me towards the elevator.

I try to stop, but he dragged me into the elevator and pressed the first floor button. I say, "I'm fine and besides the point, what if someone wants to come to your floor, but doesn't see me or you there?"

He looks at the panel of elevator floors, grabbed his keys, pushed it into a lock and turned. I saw the button for the 63rd floor disappear. I looked at him and he said, "No one would be able to find the floor. I always do this if both me and my secretary are out for our lunch break."

I was going to say something, but the elevator dinged, indicating we should probably leave. We walked out of the building for me to see a fancy car on the side of the road. He opened my door and let me in. He then got in on the other side and began to drive. 

The whole time I have been thinking two things. Did he plan this and is this a date?

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