Chapter 6

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I stare at him in amazement at his bluntness. Move in with him? What the hell? I just came here and now he wants me to leave? No way in hell am I leaving. I know that this may not be the best place to live, but what other choice do I have? I don't have enough money to live anywhere else, it's hard enough to make ends meat. If I live with him wouldn't it be more awkward at work and at home? We would be seeing each other nonstop, surely it would get annoying. I answer him with, "There is no way in hell I am moving."

He looks at me, stunned, before saying, "Why not?"

"Excuse me, what do you mean 'why not'? I just moved into a nice new place and you want me to move. On top of all of that, you are threatening my job to get me to live with you! It is already hard enough to meet my bills and get food on time, but you are just making it worse. I am no damsel in distress and I refuse for you to make me one! You know what, you can get the hell out of my home! Take your secretary job and shove it up your ass because I quit! Now if you will excuse me, I need to get ready for work." Through my little speech, I kept on shoving Zachary with my finger backwards towards the front door. As I stopped talking, I took the door and slammed it into his face.

I didn't even look at the expression on his face, I was just way to damn angry. My guess was that he was surprised that I had actually kicked him out. I was surprised myself that I could kick him out. How dare he try to make me go live with him. Before I moved from the door, I made sure to lock it up as tight as it would allow me to go. My back lay against the door, until Xavier's fists pounded on the door, begging for me to let him in. Like hell I will, instead I shout, "Fuck off!" and walk to my room to get ready for work. I wasn't kidding when I said I hd to get ready. I checked the clock and noticed that I had about 15 minutes to get ready and get to the strip club. 

I went into my room and went to my work dresser. I took out skimpy clothing and undergarments that men would drool over. I cringe at the thought, but lock it up for later as I put on lacy underwear and a lacy bra, along with 'sexy' torn clothing that doesn't lead much to the imagination. It was a mid drift no sleeve shirt that was a hot pink and short short dark blue jeans. Hatred fills me as I never wanted to degrade myself like this. Although, even if I wanted to quit, I couldn't. I just quit from the best job I could have gotten, and if I tried to get a different job they would see me as a slut. I am such an idiot, but there is no way that I am going back to that jackass right now. 

I sigh and began to go back out of my room, only to see Zachary waiting for me outside my front door. He was about to yell at me, but I swiftly ignored him and walked to the back entrance of the club. Zachary got over his momentary surprised state and ran towards me. I pass by the security guard with breeze, but Zachary was stopped and questioned. I heard them arguing, but I ignored them as I began to take off my clothes. We were never allowed to go out and perform with any clothes except a sexy bra and sexy underwear.

"You have to let me in! My girlfriend is performing and I have forbidden it. I-" So, I am his girlfriend now? Nice Wethmore, very nice, what the hell are you thinking? I was his ex-secretary and that was it. I didn't even work a full day at Wethmore Industries! Then he had the balls to say that he forbid me to perform my job? I'm not sure when his last relationship was, but I know for damn sure that you never tell a girl that you forbid something. It is extremely sexist thinking that a guy can over power the wills of any girl. It took all it had in me to not go back there and give him a piece of my mind.

I heard the guard interrupted and say, "I don't care what your business is with one of our performers, but my guess is that she doesn't care. She works here and you have to deal with it. Now get the hell out or go enjoy the show, I don't fucking care." I was happy that the security guard didn't agree with the idiotic statement of Zachary's. It was silent after that, but I ignored it as they announced my name.

I put on a sexy face and saunter out to the crowd. The first thing I hear are cheers and wolf whistles. I groan inwards, but still began to dance around the pole. I grind up and down and flip myself so that I was looking at the crowd upside down. More cheers, wolf whistles, and money were thrown at me. I still smile, even though I wanted to kick them all in the ass and curse nonstop. I show a real smile at that wonderful thought. I stood back up right, but was immediately thrown over someone's shoulder. 

Protests were heard throughout the club, but the mysterious person yelled, "Fuck you all for even coming here!"

I heard one reply, "You came here too! Now put that fine ass back down!"

I felt the kidnapper jump from the stage to approach to the guy that replied to him. I heard, "I came here to get my one true love out of this hell hole and if you think anyone came keep me away then you are dead wrong. So, fuck off and burn in hell." With that the man, who has me over his shoulder, stormed out of the club. 

I twisted and turned to try and catch a glimpse of this guy, but it didn't help what-so-ever. Next thing I know, I was placed in the back of a limo and the unknown man got in behind me. I tried to bolt on the other side, but the man wrapped his muscular arms around me and dragged me towards his chest. He punches the roof twice and says, "Let's get a move on."

Oh, you have got to be kidding me. Without the clubs obnoxious noise, I was able to clearly hear clearly who it was. I twisted, so that I was now facing him, with me still on his lap, and said, "Zachary, what the hell do you think you are doing? That is my only job and now I am fired! I am going to be homeless and no one will hire me! How could you!?"

He seemed flustered for a moment before responding, "Like hell will I allow you to work in such a horrible place like that! You are going to work and live with me if it is the last thing that I do!"

I look at him surprised before I tried to bolt for the door again, but he just wrapped his arms around me again. He held me close, like he was afraid to let me go, and told the driver to hurry. My guess is to keep me under lock and key in his prison. I struggled for sometime until he shouted, "Will you just calm down?"

"No way! Why the hell do you care about me so much anyway!? I thought I was just the hired secretary!"

"You were never suppose to be the hired help!" He yelled back at me, looking a little furious.

I look at him a little appalled before saying, "So, you hired me by accident? I never had a chance of earning a job, did I? I was the joke you and everyone else knew except me! Why did you let me take the job if it was all just a joke? Were that entertained at my lack of experience!? I should have known nothing would have ever been good for me! Yet, all you did was bring up my hopes to have them crashing down. How could you? I thought I could actually accomplish something! How could you destroy my hope like that!?" 

He stares at me for a while, before he replies, "You were a wonderful employee and I did give you the job seriously! It wasn't a joke!"

I give him an unbelieving look, before saying, "Then why did you say I was never supposed to be the hired help? If I wasn't suppose to be the help then what was I suppose to be?" I look at him in utter confusion. Today has been an extremely long day, and I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't midnight, or even one in the morning. This is the most confusing man in the entire world. Why would he do all of this if I was never suppose to be a secretary.

He tries to reassure me with, "At first, you were never suppose to be a secretary, but you proved yourself. You memorized faster than anyone I know! You were suppose to be . . ." He trails off only leading my confusion to grow, until I felt like I would burst. 

I said, "I was suppose to be what? I swear if you don't tell me right now I'll-"

I was cut off with Zachary's lips being placed onto mine.

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