Chapter 8

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My eyes widened and I began to choke on my own spit. I turned and began to cough nonstop into my forearm while being hunched over. Zachary was behind me holding me to him, trying to help me by patting my back lightly. I was able to catch my breath after a few minutes with tears leaking down my face. I hate when that happens, I can't breath and fear begins to engulf my entire being. It terrifies me that I could die by lack of oxygen with a stupid coughing fit. That would be one of the stupidest ways to die and I would feel like such an idiot for those last few moments of life. 

I turned to look at Zacahry to see the last few moments of worry and fear leave his face into one of relief. I asked, "Why are you so worried? It was me only coughing, nothing big." A memory of this happening before enters my thoughts, reminding me that I still have asthma at the weirdest times. Of course, I only ever had bad fits like that when my asthma was a part of it.

He looks at me like I grew a head before saying, "It looked like you could barely breath. I was a moment away from calling an ambulance. I have never been so terrified in my entire life! It is definitely something for me worry about, especially to the girl I like . . . more than anything." I barely heard the last few words he spoke, but I did hear them. I decided to ignore it as I stood up and walked towards, what I was assuming, the bathroom door. Before I could enter strong arms wrapped around my waist dragging me back towards the bed, where I started. I heard Zachary say, "Where the hell do you think you are going?"

I sigh in frustration before saying, "I was going to take a shower you block head." I used the term I heard many times on the Charlie Brown TV specials. A deep rumbling laughter escapes Zachary's throat as he fell back on the bed, realizing me from his grasp. I take that chance to run to the bathroom and lock the door shut before I heard Zachary's fists slam on the door. I heard his protests, but I ignored them as I turned on the shower. I felt more in a bliss with the water canceling out Zachary's shouting. 

I take off my clothing before entering the shower. I sigh in happiness as the wonderful hot water envelopes my skin. I reach out for the shampoo and lather it deep into my hair. I then reach for the soap and began to clean myself. After a while, I thought most of the shampoo got out so I went to put on another layer on myself, but before I could a pair of hands add the extra layer for me. I freeze, not knowing who is in the bathroom before I hear, "You shouldn't lock doors inside my own home, I have all the keys." 

I lightly gasp and cover myself, even though he could only see my back I still have never been naked in front of a guy. I began to shake in fear before saying, more like stuttering, "W-What are y-you d-doing in t-the shower wit-th m-me?" I couldn't help it, I barely knew the guy and it terrified me. 

He wrapped his arms around me before replying, "To save water?" He tried to say it as a statement, but he failed. His arms tightened more around me, bringing us with my back to his chest. He whispered, "Relax, I won't do anything that you won't want me to do." For a few more minutes I stood stiff, until I forced myself to lean back into Zachary's muscular chest. I felt Zachary smile against my neck before we got back into the routine of taking a shower.

I was finally able to escape with Zachary's hair still soaking with soap. I grabbed a towel to dry myself off with before going exiting the bathroom. I begin at the drawers in search of my clothes and I was able to find my undergarments, along with a pair of black pajama shorts and a hot pink tank top, both having words like, 'hot chick' and 'you want my ass.' Don't ask why I bought this, but I never expected to be wearing them in front of anyone, especially a guy.

I look at the bed and sigh. There is no way I am going to sleep in the same bed as him, but I really didn't want to sleep on the couch. I heard the shower stop, making me panic and bolt from the bedroom as quietly as I could. I tiptoed downstairs before going to the couch and lying down. I calmed my breathing to make it appear that I was asleep. The air conditioning kicks in, making me shiver a little, but I just tried to fall asleep. The last thing I hear before I fell asleep was Zachary's bedroom door opening.


I felt strong arms move under my knees and around my shoulder blades. I hear a deep voice say, "Why couldn't you just have slept in the same bed as me? I wish I knew more about you." The mysterious person rambled on as he began to move.

I tousle a little, which made the person stop before continuing on his path. I felt the person's knees lightly lift, almost touching my back, but hit my legs, which told me we were climbing stairs. He finally walks straight wards again, before throwing me over his shoulder making me groan. He stiffens for a minute before he opened the door, or what I was assuming was a door. 

He walked in with me still over his shoulder. He walked for a little before he stopped and put me back down, but now I was on something softer. I felt around before I clutched, what felt like, a pillow to my chest. A deep rumble comes from above me before the bed dipped in front of me. 

I felt a tug on the pillow I was clutching, but I groaned and held the pillow tighter to my chest. I didn't feel another tug for another 5 minutes, but when I did it was so sudden that I was still looking for it. I heard another laugh before a thick arm dragged me towards a warm chest. I sigh and snuggle deeper into the comfortable chest before my  mind went blank again.


My eyes slowly open, but crust interferes with my sight. I brought my hands up and rubbed my eyes, until I was sure that it had gotten away. I tried opening my eyes agin, but the sun hit my eyes, making me groan and dug my head back into my muscular pillow. Don't know when pillows got muscular before it clicked, I wasn't snuggling a pillow, I was snuggling a person. I slowly tilted my head up to see a sleeping Zachary. He looked so calm with a relaxed face with a soft smile. I tried to move a little, but he pulled me closer with his huge arm that was holding me to him.

My bladder then decided to make itself known by secretly telling me go now or pee yourself, time is running out. I then began to fought to get out, but he just holds me tighter. I then grabbed a nearby pillow and began to whack Zachary with it. After a while Zachary finally began to wake up then turned over, realizing that I was assaulting him with a pillow. He didn't realize that he was on the end and fell off, thankfully letting me go. I yelled, "Finally!" before I ran towards the bathroom, slamming the door, opened the toilet seat, and finally was able to relieve myself. 

I had my head down and crouched in on myself, still a little sleepy, when Zachary burst in angry before seeing my position. He ran towards me and got to his knees before asking, "Are you alright? Is everything okay?"

I fell asleep on the toilet.

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