Chapter 13

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~Crystal's POV~

I stare into the familiar dark brown eyes yet unfamiliar face of this unknown man. When I woke up in that hospital bed, there were so many different emotions running through me at the time.  I couldn't even detect the first emotion, but I did realize the confusion, frustration, worries, how scared he is, and so much more that I couldn't even explain them. When I saw this man sleeping next to me, I didn't know what to think. I thought I would be terrified, but I felt a strange sense of protection and homey feeling. He looked so happy when I woke up and I had a feeling that he knew who I was. Then there was the warm feeling that made my stomach tingle when he kissed my hand. When he left I felt alone and unimportant, I felt like I would cry. I kept on thinking horrible thoughts about myself until he came back with the doctor. When the man told me that I was his girlfriend I was happy, but when he said he was my boss I got a little worried. Wouldn't it be a little unorthodox for an employee and her boss to be in a serious relationship? When the doctor began to ask questions about myself I felt so vulnerable. I barely remembered anything and was very fortunate to be able to remember most of the basic things about me. 

After what felt like forever, I was finally able to leave, with this mysterious man next to me. I still didn't know if I was to live by myself or if I was to live with him. There were so many questions that I wanted to know, but I did hope that all the memories would come back to me. The man took me out of my thoughts by saying, "What would you like to know angel?"

I blush at the nick name before asking, "What is your name?"

"My name is Zachary Wethmore." This name seemed to spark something in my mind. I tried to hold onto that familiarity, but it slipped away from me before I knew what was going on. 

"What is my living situation?"

He got this look on his face before saying, "You are going to live with me of course."

"What about where I am going to be sleeping?" 

Zachary got another look on his face and I still couldn't define it. He then replied, "In my bed with me obviously."

I shook my head, disagreeing with his statement. I couldn't sleep in the same bed as him, I would take up so much space. I would probably knock him off or annoy him with taking up all the space. I said back to him, "No you don't have to do that. I would be fine with sleeping on the couch, or even on the floor. It doesn't matter, I am just happy that I can live in a safe environment." He looked at me with such sadness that I felt extremely guilty.

"There is no way in hell that I am allowing you to sleep anywhere except with me in my bed, again."

"Again?" Did I do this before? My curiosity kept growing as I was trying to desipher what the hell is going on.

"Before, when you still had your memory, you didn't sleep in the bed with me, but on the floor. I was infuriated, so I might have freaked you out a little when I got forceful when telling you to not do that again. It broke my heart to see you curled up so I am going to worn you right now, if you ever try to do that I will tie you to the bed for a week, so you would understand how serious I am."

"Kinky," I laughed out before I could even think of what I was saying. Zachary laughed with me before I asked the question that has been nagging at me, "How am I your girlfriend and employee?"

He looked conflicted when I asked that. I really hoped that he wouldn't lie to me about something like that. It would really fuck up my mind and I wouldn't be able to trust him anymore. Zachary broke my thoughts as he began to speak, "The bit about me being your boss was true, for a while. You decided to quit because of me overbearing you at your old job. I won't tell you about it because I would rather not relive those awful moments I were in that horrible place. My best decision was getting you out of that horrible environment. Any way, I got you out of there and I decided that you were still going to work with me. You adapted so quickly that I was amazed by the speed. I never had anyone that was like that and I couldn't let you go, for that or a deeper relationship. I wanted you to stay with me, in my house, because I refused for you to leave me. We actu-" He stopped and seemed to be thinking of something. He then ran off into the direction of the stairs. His feet raced up them as I stare in confusion.

After a couple of minutes, he came running down with a bag and a huge smile on his face. He seemed to bolt towards the couch, where I sat, and jumped so that he had his head on my lap, laying his body across the couch, with the bag on his chest. I stare down at him, raking my fingers lightly through his hair, smiling at his adorable child like attitude. He snuggled his head into my lap, maybe a little to close to my vagina, and I lightly pushed him away from that area. He surprised me, but fighting against me and kissed me, down there, through my jeans. I was so stunned that I didn't notice him get up and replace himself, so that he was sitting on his ass facing me. He was still smiling, but it slipped away, seeing my surprised face. He then said, "Sorry if it was so sudden, but I decided to take a chance, but next time I could do it when there is nothing blocking me off from the skin."

My face flushed as I thought about it, making me slightly turned on by his request. I then ask, "What's in the bag?"

His smile cam back and seemed to grow bigger by the millisecond as he replies, "I thought this could spark some memory. We were shopping for your new wardrobe and . . . well let's see if my idea works first." He takes out two adorable pieces of clothing. One was a shirt that was black, but had silver wings on the back and the other was pink with an intricate dark blue design. Something seemed to be coming back to me and this time I could actually grasp it and remember what it was.

I said, "We were shopping because the condition of my clothes were in such horrible shape. You didn't care how much it costed, but you bought me all kinds of clothes anyway. We went to two stores, one for casual clothing and the other for work. I saw these two items and I didn't want to get them because they were so expensive. We were at the restaurant when you showed me these two items. I was so touched because you were really paying attention to me and saw my interest. I was so happy, until I was knocked out. How did I get knocked out any way?"

His features of his face turned into anger as he said, "The slutty waitress came over with a full tray of dirty dishes and glasses and purposely tipped them over so it would hit you. When you were knocked out I made sure she was fired and that she wouldn't ever get a good paying job ever again. I hate how sluts like her expect men to ditch there dates for a quick fuck in the bathroom. If anything I would make sure that she could watch as I make sweet love to you." The last sentence was said seductively into my ear that there was heat pooling in between my legs. He touched me lightly in between my legs and I let out a slight moan in response. I stare at him through hooded eyes and kissed my throat delicately. No matter how much I wanted to go farther I knew that there was still so much that was unanswered.

I asked, "What about the part when you are my boyfriend? When did that happen?" He groaned in frustration, but pulled away, reluctantly, any way.

He replied, "I sort of miffed that part. Don't look at me like that, do you know how attracted I am to you right now? I wanted you as so much more, but I never got the chance to ask you out. I know it sounds stupid, but I just wanted you to be my girlfriend. I wanted to take you out on dates and show you romantic gestures that you have never seen before. Please do me the honor of allowing me to be your boyfriend. I don't know what to think if  you said no."

I look into his eyes and I was a little conflicted. It was undeniable the attraction I felt towards him, but there was also the fact that I didn't remember anything about him. It was so hard to just remember his name sometimes because I am still trying to remember everything else from my life. I turn so that I could fully face him and I saw his own emotions in his eyes. There was confusion, worry and so much more, but one that stood out was that he was scared. He's scared that I would actually reject him. I thought about rejecting him on the way here, but felt a pain in my heart like there were a million needles putting more and more pressure on it. I knew that it was impossible for me to reject him, but it would hurt more for him to cheat or reject me. Although the look in his eyes told me he would rather die than reject me. I then knew my answer, even if I might get hurt in the end, I would rather have him now than not at all.


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