Chapter 16

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~Crystal's POV~

I woke up under thick fluffy covers and felt really safe. I slowly open my eyes to see a tanned chest in front of me. It was then that I felt the weight on my waist and as I began to move the muscular arm tensed along with pulling me closer to the perfect chest. The tanned chest moved up and down slowly, in perfect rhythm with the steady beat of his heart. I slowly travel my eyes up and see the underside of Zachary's face. I froze, in fear of Pearl finding us in this position and assuming the wrong thing. 

Wait a minute, how did I even get back into his room, his home none-the-less? Last time I checked, I was out on the street, in the pouring rain, crying my eyes out. How did I get from there to a warm bed with a hunky guy cuddling next to me? This is probably some kind of sick joke that him and Pearl set up for me. Why else would I be back here because I know Zachary doesn't care about me enough to let me back into this wonderful home. Compared to Pearl, why would he? I am a nobody compared to my glorious sister. No wonder mom always liked her better, now that I see everything clearly I understand why no one cared for me. I wish I realized it sooner, but I was too idiotic to discover it sooner.

I felt Zachary move around more, so I closed my eyes, in fear of him realizing that I am actually awake. His arm tightened even more as I heard him mumble, "Crystal." Why the hell is he saying my name in his sleep? I kept still until his breathing got back to normal and wasn't moving that much anymore. I opened one eye before opening the other, checking to see if he was back in his deep sleep.

I sigh and look down and kept in a scream. This must be a really cruel joke. I realized for the first time since I woke up that I was completely naked, and so was he. I didn't look at his privates for long, but from what I saw he was enormous and any girl lucky enough to make love with him is very lucky. I slithered out from under him and replaced my body with a big pillow. He seemed to be waking up, but went back into his sleeping stupor. I looked around and grabbed the nearest clothing item I could find, which was a big t-shirt. I put it on and realized that it was Zachary's because I could smell his scent on it and it made my heart flutter. It reached down to my knees and was deep black with a light red logo on the sleeves. I didn't pay much attention, but decided to get out before something bad could happen. 

I walked as quietly as I could out the bedroom door and hopped down the stairs. Luckily most of the home was carpeted so I barely made a noise. I was sneaking down the hallways, making any outsiders  suspicious, looking for the exit. I smiled as I saw the door that would let me escape any heartache from the man I thought I was in love with, but obviously he wasn't in love with me. I know it sounds ridiculous to be falling for a man in less than a month, but I just feel this strong connection with him that I couldn't explain. 

I began to do a little job towards the door when I made a loud creek in the wood below. I was stupid enough to not realize when the carpet turns to wood, making me wish that I wasn't here. Hearing the creek in the wood also told me of how fat I really was, making me even more insecure and self-conscious about myself. I froze in place, trying to hear of any signs of Zachary hearing the noise that I made, but I heard nothing. I continued my way, a little more quietly, in fear of making any other noises to alert him I was up. 

My fingers were reaching the door handle when strong arms encircled my waist and brought me back from my target. I was quickly moved to the living room and placed on the couch, but not on the material, instead, I was placed on a lap of a man. I looked up, not before noticing this man was completely and utterly naked, to see that it was Zachary and he looked mad.

I laid back on the couch, with me lying on top of him, before speaking, "Why in the world were you trying to sneak out?"

I was silent for a few moments before my mouth moved, creating words. I couldn't speak these words at first, but then grabbed the courage to say, "Pearl would be mad at me being here. She made it perfectly clear that I was a charity case and that since I got most of my memory back that I could leave . . . and to never return." I mumbled the last part, not wanting for Zachary to hear, but I think he heard anyway from his next reaction.

"That crazy intruder! I didn't even know her and knew she was bad news. You are incredibly naive to believe any word that she says and-"

"Even the part where she is my sister?" I couldn't help, but interrupt because I thought that little bit was true.

He laughed and muttered, "I missed your personality so much," before saying aloud, "That part is actually true, but everything else about how I was her boyfriend and that you were to never come back is complete bullshit. You mean so much to mean and I would be destroyed to lose you again. You are my one and only, nothing will keep me from you. Just promise me one thing."

I gave him a confused look before saying, "What is it?"

"Always check with me before believing what someone says to you. Do you know how heart broken I was to realize that you were gone and no one knew where you were? I cried myself to sleep and tossed and turned, not knowing if you were safe, alive none-the-less. I care about you a lot and it seems like you do too, about me though, but when you run off like that it makes me think twice, so I will give you a choice. You can either stay with me or you can leave and truly never return." He stared at me with a serious expression as tears filled my eyes. I moved backwards, so that I was off of his lap and sitting on the opposite end. I moved my eyes down to not show him how week I was. 

I stood up and walked towards the door. I wanted to look back, but my pride didn't allow me to do so. I wanted to give him a test to see if he will come after me after the words I am going to speak or if he is going to let me go, and most likely fall in love with someone else while I die on the streets.

Once I reached the door, my fingers turned the handle and I began to exit. Halfway through I turned my head, not all the way around, but at least halfway to partially see Zachary's face. I then said loud enough for him to hear what I had to say. I said, "I have always cared for you and for you to think otherwise is very insulting. If this is truly goodbye I want you to know that I am in love with you. It may sound crazy, but the connection is undeniable to me. I guess you don't feel it as strongly as I do. I hope you can find someone that is deserving of you because I know that I would never be worth a time of day. Goodbye Zachary Wethmore, I love you."

With that I walked out the door with tears streaming down my cheeks.

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