Chapter 1

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~Crystal's POV~

"Mom, I really need-," I was cut off again as she ranted about my lovely older sister.

"Did you hear about your sister getting that job transfer! Oh, I am so proud of her! She has come so far in her life!"

"Mom, I know that you love her and are proud of her, but I really need you right now. I need the other half of the junior semester paid off. Why haven't you sent money?"

I heard her sigh, as if to say why am I talking to her again, and says, "Darling, let's face the facts. Your sister is doing perfectly fine on her own and your brother has a future in front of him. You only want to do tedious things that no one would ever take seriously. I stopped sending money because we are trying to save it."

"What do you mean save it? You and dad are in your mid-30's and both work as doctors in a pricy hospital. Why would you need to save it?"

"Don't talk to me like that!" she snapped at me, "Your father and I think that this is your chance to go experience the world instead of relying on us. Don't you have a job?" I did, but I would rather not speak to her about it. She would see me in a different light if she saw how desperately needed money. She only ever gave me enough to pay off the semester and maybe a few bucks more. Otherwise, I had to find my own way and no one would hire me. I finally got a job though at a local strip club. No, not as the person passing out drinks, but more like getting extra cash flow from the guys who throw it at me. That's right, I am a stripper. I put on a strong act in front of the customers, but in reality I was a little girl inside, crying for someone to let me have my chance to quit the degrading job.

"Yes, I have a job, but it doesn't pay that much. I have been looking around, but no place has been hiring. Please, I need the money to get through another semester."

I hear her sigh and say, "Look, I want to help you, I do!" another lie by my dear mother, "but that money could be spent better on Jasper's education. I will tell you this. If you can prove to me in 30 seconds that you could get the rest of the semester out of me, I will give you the money." Are you fucking kidding me?"

"Are you serious!? I am your daughter! Isn't that reason enough?"

"No, and before I forget your Pearl got a job at-,"

I end the conversation and slammed my phone on the bed. Who was I to think she would actually care for me. Hell, she didn't even come to my high school graduation. I finish up the packing I started before my mother called. She calls every single day to tell me how great my siblings are. Loving parents right? I thought so.

I stare at my mostly empty side of the room. My roommate wouldn't mind me leaving. She keeps bitching on how she wishes she could have her own room, I guess her wish came true.

I only have to suit cases because my parents never bought me more clothes than need. Although, they always got Pearl, my sister, the newest styles when they came out. It is a maze in her closet, yet I only had a small, kid sized, closet.

I wished she would have paid me. I was really having a nice time in college. Now I get to go searching for a new home, wonderful. As I walk off the campus, after telling of how I had no money to pay for the rest of the year, I remember of a whore house, like an apartment, where strippers work if they don't have a home. At first, I was revolted by the idea, but seeing as I had no choice, I headed off towards the strip club.

I knock on the door, that was immediately opened by the owner, Ms. Berchby. She is a sweet lady and always had open arms to any stripper in need of a place to stay. She was a heavy woman that had the aura of a caring parent. The only time she was ever nasty was if a worker was being harassed by a customer. Most of the time she was sweet with her light red hair and dark brown eyes, along with her Hawaiian flower dress. She asked, "I never expected to see you here." She wore a frown, that was true to the emotion in her heart.

I smile softly and said, "Always expect the unsuspected. Can I stay here?"

She engulfed me in a warm hug and said, "There is always a place for you."

She let me in and grabbed something behind the front desk. We walk up the stairs to the second level to see a decent door. I looked inside the room, amazed, to see how well furnished and fresh it looked. I heard Ms. Berchby say, "Business has been doing very well and that's why we were able to upgrade all the rooms to a standard one. Here are your keys darling. I will give you two, but warn me if you lose them so I can switch your lock and get you new keys."

"Thank you so much."

"No need to thank me. I am happy to help such a sweet girl. She pinched my cheek lightly, then headed off back downstairs. I go into my room, locking it, and look around.

It had light red walls with hardwood floors in the kitchen, bathroom, and door entrance. Everywhere else had light brown carpeting. I explored more of the apartment and found my bedroom, which had the same carpet, but teal walls. I thought it was all very nice and got myself settled and went back out into the living room to see a decent TV.

I sat down and looked around. I guess this is my new home now. I sigh and grab at the newspaper, that I picked up this morning, and began to look at placing hiring. Science subject? No. Haircutting? Hell no, cut my hair once, I couldn't imagine how mad the costumer would be if I cut their hair while also giving them a blood injury. Dog trainer? I'll most likely lose the dog instead of train it. This is hopeless. I was about to flip to a different article, until something caught my eye.

It said, Secretary for want. Filing papers and quick hand writing necessary along with outstanding memory and quick replies. Preferable to have some experience, but as long as the applicant is a fast learner, then it is expectable to have minimal to no experience. Applicants must be able to e-mail to address below before-. I stopped there as I quickly looked at the address, grabbed my laptop, and began the e-mail.

I made sure to include the times I helped out at the attendance office and how I learned the process in half an hour. I also included how well I was with all the other junk they said I needed. I haven't had a job like this, but I always volunteered to help out when it was needed.

Once I finished, I sent the e-mail and triple checked to make sure that it went through. I crossed my fingers, hoping for someone to hire me.


I dance around the pole that hits from floor to ceiling. My hands slide up my body as I grind down the pole. I twirl and twist making it look like I am doing the most sexual thing I could perform.

This disgusts me so much. On the inside, I was puking and kicking the asses of all these horny bastards. On the outside, I gave a sexy smile and pretended to show interests in the customers who entered. I want to quit so badly, yet I can't until I get a good paycheck from my next, less revealing, job.

The hours drag by as men throw more and more money at me. I was amazed to see a couple hundred dollar bills. As the curtains close, I have a real smile, relieved to be done for the night. I collect the money that those idiots threw and go back to my home. The good thing is that the whore house and the strip club are connected, so I don't have to go far in this revealing clothes, if you could call it clothes.

I pick up my mail on the way to my room when I saw a letter that caught my eye. I didn't recognize it so I waited until I got to my room. I toss the bill, the paycheck, and the junk mail on the table in the living room, and opened the mysterious letter.

It said, Congratulations, you have been the top 10 picked for the secretary job at Wethmore Industries. Your scheduled for an interview tomorrow at 4. We expect formal attire for this interview. You will be the last interviewed and we will demand you stay to either confirm you got the job or had failed. We hope you have got something to offer us here and Wethmore Industries. We wish you luck.


Zachary Wethmore

Zachary Wethmore. I wonder who that is? I guess I will find out tomorrow. I'm doomed.

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