Well then Part 10

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the picture of Evangeline at 17 turns 18 this year.

At Idyllwind art academy 2016 senior year.

Ok, this is Ev's late year at her school. It's January, 4 months till her 18th birthday. She wondered what her life would be like then.

Would she be happy?

anyways... Ev is graduating early. 2 days before her birthday on May 1.

WHICH SUCKS! She has to miss prom!!! and she has a dress already picked out and everything so not fair! But she got a teaching spot at Millennium Dance Complex.

As she looks at her calendar she sees that it is January 3rd exactly 4 months... then she blacks out and *poof* she's in Korea for like 2 seconds. At that time she sees a practice room from his eyes. As she comes back she is disoriented. That was weird, to say the least. She had never seen that room before.

South Korea ~ practice room

As Jungkook is working on the choreo for begin in the corner of his eye he saw a flash of brown hair. All at once his heart picked up, his hands were sweaty, and a chill went down his back. Was it a ghost!?!?! He was jung-shook to say the least.

 Was it a ghost!?!?! He was jung-shook to say the least

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He shook it off, got some water and continued dancing. He's going to have to talk to Namjoon about this.

~so hi I'm back only a 2 year break. teehee

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2023 ⏰

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