Chapter 1 A new baby

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It all starts with a little baby boy born in Mandeok-dong, Busan, South Korea on September 1st, 1997. It was like any other birth Dr. Gi performed. He carefully cut the baby boy's umbilical cord and hands him to a nurse to be examined. You know the usual things like checking the baby's Pulse rate, muscle tone, Appearance, Activity, reflex irritability, any glowing marks, and skin color. As the nurse is examining this new little bundle of joy a little diamond-shaped dot on the backside of his shoulder starts glowing. Then she smiles down at the baby as she finishes up her examination. Dr. Gi walks over to nurse Lee to see how the boy is doing. Ms. Lee says. "everything is normal Dr. Gi. but I think you might like to tell his parents he's going to have a promised one." Then nurse Lee dresses him then wraps him in a blanket and hands him to Dr.Gi. The doctor walks over to the expecting parents holding the baby boy. Then Dr. Gi says " your baby is very healthy. What would you like to name him?" he hands the baby to his mom and she says "his name will be Jeon Jung kook it means great country and we live in one don't we!" the doctor chuckles and agrees " we do. I also would like to inform you that your baby is going to have a promised one just like your son Jeon Jung Hyun." Jungkook's mom looks down at him and smiles and says. "I can't wait for you to meet the love of your life whoever that person might be they will bring you much happiness."Jungkook's father smiles and nods at his wife in agreement. 

Author~ I do not hold any rights to the picture of that baby in the picture.  

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