Chapter 3 He's gone! Wait he's back. Oops, nevermind...

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In South Korea 

The date is the 3rd of October 11:59 and Jungkooks parents are currently standing over him.  As the clock strikes midnight he *POOFS* out of the room. Mrs. and Mr. Jeon hold their breaths for about 13 and a half seconds. They got smart this time around and put a tracking device on jungkooks blanket. The only thing they are worried about is the tracker lost signal. They wait for what feels like hours until a little beeping sound calms and heightens there nerves. the signal is back they know where their baby is but he traveled over the ocean.... all the way to South Carolina. Which is 13 hours away from  Mandeok-dong, Busan, South Korea they checked. 

In South Carolina

Alexandria Gray 

Lex for short was about to have an early lunch of grilled cheese and strawberries

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Lex for short was about to have an early lunch of grilled cheese and strawberries. When suddenly she heard a noise she hadn't heard before. Like a little beeping noise so she put down the strawberries she was about to cut and when looking for the noise in her house. As she was looking the noise got louder then she froze... and whispers: "its the baby room..." She looked in the room through the glass door. There is a baby. As you can imagine this is becoming an interesting lunch for Lex. She slowly backs up hand on her tiny 2-month bump. She turns around and quietly sprints up the stairs to find her husband Stephen Gray.

 She turns around and quietly sprints up the stairs to find her husband Stephen Gray

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Stephen looks up from his work desk to see his wife frantically running to him. "Lex what's wrong?" concerned he asked "it's it is it's aa umm come with me." she grabs his hand and drags him downstairs. " Lex, what's going on? Lex?" as she gets closer to the baby room he hears the noise. " Lex what's that noise did you burn something" she just ignores him. As the noise gets closer he's starting to figure it out. When they get to the door he just stands stunned. "Alexandria, is that what I think it is?" Lex rolls her eyes. " yes Stephen it's a baby, more importantly, it's are babies promised one" he just stairs and studders " I  thooought thosssse were mythsss. like like a bedtime story your mom would tell you at night. O my goodness have you gone inside yet.?!" he asked. Lex hesitates. "No... I was waiting for you so we could go in together you know..." Lex takes a deep breath and opens the door entering the soundproof room. as she walks closer to the baby her heart melts she whispers "he so cute! O here is the list lets see. hmm, I don't know what language this is written in.. Hey Steph can I borrow your phone for a sec?" Stephen hands her his phone. Lex proceeds to take a picture of the first page of the list. she then translates it using the google lens in photos to translate it. Looking at the phone she learns the language on this paper is Korean. In English it says: 

Hello, promised one's family are family name is Jeon. Our son's name is Jeon Jung Kook. He is fully Korean and his birthday is September 1st, 1997. We would like to know what language you speak and if you are expecting yet. If you are with child how far along are you and do you know the gender of your child yet? We hope that you are also Korean but it's ok if you are not. We just hope your child will love our little baby. 

                                                                                           Sincerely The Jeons

Ps. Please pick your language

Lex's hands back Stephen his phone so he can also read it. After Stephen is done reading she takes pictures of each page of the languages trying to find English before the baby wakes up. She succeeds and takes the pen out of Stephens shirt and circles it. She writes a short letter to them in English because she doesn't know how to write in Korean. She puts the paper back on the baby.  As she puts it back the baby wakes up and the paper and the baby boy named Jeon Jung Kook disappears. 

 In South Korea 

The Jeons are up waiting for their little boy to come back. just like he disappeared Jungkook *POOFS* right back in his crib right next to their bed. Jungkook starts whimpering, it's time to feed him. That is exactly what Mrs. Jeon does, as she is breastfeeding Jungkook. Mr. Jeon picks up the language sheet he looks at it trying to figure out what it says. He gets out his phone and goes to his translator and takes a picture of the page and says. "Honey, they speak English. Now, where did I put my English book at?" Mr. Jeon shuffles around their room looking for the book. " A-Ha! found it. they only have 26 letters which should be easy enough. Right?" Mrs. Jeon shrugged her shoulders. "Honey it is a new language it is probably going to be a bit difficult to learn." she looks through the book. " They use different shapes for their letters so we have to get used to that. "as she says this Jungkook finishes eating and falls asleep *POOF*. He's gone. "Well while he's gone lets read the letter they wrote to us."

Author~ what do you think so far 

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