Chapter 4

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7 months later May 2nd, 1998

The weather is finally cooled down at 6 a clock in the afternoon and Lex was happy with the change in weather. She was working on flowers outside of her new baby's window. She tends to the flowers she planted earlier this spring. There are yellow daffodils, white lilies, and purple salvias. It's a nice sunny Sunday, she couldn't believe her little bundle of joy would be here in 6 more days on May 8th. 

Stephen is currently writing a program for a company in California. He thinks that their company name is stupid it's called Google. It's just a start-up he is helping with they agreed to give him 3% of whatever the company will make it he helps write the code. He thought why not what's the harm in writing a program for some small company in California. As he gets halfway through the program he hears the baby alarm go of saying baby Jungkook is gone. He wakes up at 6 pm (7 am kst) or around that every day. Stephen smiles think about his child. He's happy that his child will always have someone to love them.

As Lex finishes watering her flowers she feels a dull pain in her lower abdomen, but not like the Braxton hicks she has earlier in her pregnancy. It feels different. She waits a bit to see if it goes away but it doesn't it starts to hurt more. She waddles into the house to find her husband. The pain is getting worse as she climbing the stairs. 


At the hospital  8 hours later 

Ok, Mrs. Gray, you are completely dilated its time to push.

1 hour later 

Keep pushing the baby is crowning! 

another more big push!

you're doing great Mrs. Gray!

one more push!

*baby crying*




"It's a girl! Steph we have a daughter. I know the perfect name for her Steph." said, Lex  "What name would that be my love?" Stephen questioned "Evangeline because she is my little Angel. the name means bearer of good news " Stephen looked at his wife and smiled "that is perfect sweetheart."

Author: sorry I have been gone for a while I underestimated how much being a teacher will take out of you

The night switch. J.JK (Jungkook ff)Where stories live. Discover now