Chapter 6 Younger ages

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Evangeline and Jungkook travel back and forth during nap time and night time. It is very scary when they fall asleep in the car because you have no idea when they will be back.

 When the oldest of the pair promised turns 4 they start to feel the pull of having a promised. It kinda feels like your missing something. This feeling will stay until they meet there promised whenever that happens. 

You can imagine 4-year-old Jungkook is feeling pretty weird on his 4th birthday. Don't get me wrong it's his birthday he's happy with his gifts and cake and party. Deep down he feels the feeling that all young promised feel. 

As his childhood progressed he attended school,  he did taekwondo, and other sports, he even liked to dance.

Evangeline's childhood also progressed she went to school, she did ballet, choirs, and theatre. 

They both excelled in elementary school. As they went to middle school they did interesting things. Jungkook when to Seoul to pursue dancing. Being only 10(maybe 11 not sure the age he started being a trainee) it was a big leap of faith to go to Seoul the be a dancer. Evangeline when to a private school for classical dance her dance of choice being ballet. being only 10 at the time Evangeline got in her middle school early (skipped a grade) because she was highly requested by the board for her exquisite dancing.  

At age 13 and 12 big things happened again in there life. Jungkook debuting in a group named Bts. Evangeline graduated middle school and it going to be going to Idyllwild Arts Academy. So she had to pack her bags and go across the country to California. 

Now that they both live in new places that mean the place they switch to is different too. in every building, it is mandatory to have a promised room. So there is a place for their promised to go when they sleep.

You might be wondering how you wake up the promised people. The answer is very simple. Every person who is a promised has to wear a little wristband. This band sends a little shock to your body. There is a little remote that there parent or caregiver has so they can wake them up when they need them to poof back into the room. Don't worry the little shock doesn't hurt the promised person it just gets them to wake up.

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Evangelie at 12

The night switch. J.JK (Jungkook ff)Where stories live. Discover now