Chapter 7 June 13, 2013

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At Idyllwind art academy- June 13, 2013

3 years have passed and Evangeline is now 15 she is in the second year of her private boarding school (she had to repeat her first year cause she changed the kind of dance she wanted to do too many times). She is getting really good at ballet. She is the top student in her grade. Being younger than everyone in her class can be hard sometimes. Even if she is the best she is outcasted by the older kids in her class. So she doesn't hang out with the dance kids rather the film and art kids they are really chill. That's how she met her best friend Lucy Ryans.  Lu for short. 

Lu is in film class her dorm is next door to Ev room so they have movie nights. Lu sometimes has to refrain from saying what they did wrong with the movie. Most of the time Ev doesn't care. Sometimes when they are not doing school work they teach each other what they learned in class that day. So it's like they have two areas of study instead of one. Lu is a grade younger they Ev but they are the same age cause Ev skipped at grade. They call themselves the long hair girls till one of the cuts their hair.

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(imagine her eyes are blue)

At the big hit building June 13, 2013

Jungkook is working harder then he has ever before today is the day he debuts. He's so excited he finally gets to dance for a lot of people. They are debuting on Mcountdown tomorrow.  They will be performing bulletproof part 2 and no more dreams. As much as he is excited he is a bit nervous as well. Will the people like there music and dancing and cheer or ill there be silence...? This is what Jungkook was thinking about just before he put his head down to sleep.

The next day 

Jungkook was woken up by his manager very early in the morning. Every time he wakes up he gets a little chill from the location of his promised one. As soon as he's back in his room he is a bit disoriented but awake. He was told they have to be there early so they get to the broadcasting station and get makeup and other things together. He gets dressed in some comfy clothes for the car drive over to the station. His hyungs try to keep him entertained so he doesn't get bored and fall asleep and poof into thin air. When they get there they are rushed into the dressing rooms where their stylest gives them there outfits to change into. After they are all dressed it's off to hair and makeup. This is where they hit a problem. Jungkook has to sit very still while they get him ready. People are playing with his hair and telling him to close his eyes to put on the eye makeup. Jungkook dosed off and left the building... This surprised the makeup artist so much that she squeaked. Luckily the manager was in the room and saw this. He buzzed Jungkook's bracelet and he was back in a flash confused and sleepy. this happened a few more times till he was done with his hair and makeup. Jimin and Taehyung we able to wake him fully up and get him energized for their performance coming soon. As they were waiting they watched other groups perform on the little tv on the wall. It felt so surreal to Jungkook and the other boys. This was going to be the first time ever that they get to perform their debut into the K-pop world. After a long time of waiting it was their turn to perform.

Let's just say it was the start of something new.

Let's just say it was the start of something new

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