Chapter 2 Preparing for the switch

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As they check out of the hospital the Jeons head home to prepare for there babies first switch. They have done it before but they learned that it is a bit stressful. They only have 5 days to prepare for jungkooks first switch. Even though there first child Jeon Jung Hyun went through his first he only traveled down the street to the Han's house. The Jeons have no idea where their little baby boy will travel to. They were very fortunate in Junghyun's case but you never know where your baby will go. The Jeons make sure they buy a blanket that they can zip around on the baby so he can be warm when he travels. Right now it is nap time for Junghyun since he is only 2 years old. It's like clockwork as soon as Junghyun goes to sleep little 2-year-old Ji-Eun Han appears in the toddler bed next to Junghyun's bed. The Han's are half Japanese and half Korean there daughter is beautiful. The Han's and the Jeon's had a great relationship even before their children were born.

 The Han's and the Jeon's had a great relationship even before their children were born

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  Junghyun and Ji-Eun have playdates all the time they are the best of friends. Well, that's enough about Junghyun and Ji-Eun right now let's get back to baby Jungkook. Now that they know that their baby will be warm traveling they have to get a list of the most common languages in the world. Hopefully, Jungkook's promised family speaks one of them if not they have to get the uncommon list. There is nothing wrong with that list those languages are just a bit harder to learn. This list will be taped on his banket so it will travel with Jungkook. For the next 5 days, they will be bonding with there baby as it is important to have that connection. If you didn't know when babies are first born they sleep for about 8 to 9 hours and eat 8 to 12 times a day. So Jungkook's parents don't have a lot of time to spend with him at this stage of his life but they are trying there best. That is really all you can ask for in a parent. A person that tries there hardest to be there for there children. 

author- chapter 2 is done and o my goodness there are 9 people who have read my little book I just made it this morning at wow!

am wow!

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