Moving ♡

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Today was the day I had to move from America to Japan because of my dad's job. He says that we are also getting a bigger house so I'm excited about that! But I will miss my best friend. T___T Hopefully, I find some good friends at my new school.


"Bye Marco Polo," I say wiping my fake tears from my face to my homie. (His name is Marco btw if you couldn't tell)
"Bye little bean," he said also wiping his fake tears.
"I'll miss you best fran," I say.
"Me toooo," He says.
"Have fun in Karasuno!"


I wake up and I see my dad looking at me from the mirror, It scared me so I jumped...and banged my head on the roof of the car. I looked outside and saw our new house. It kinda felt like we just teleported from America to Japan, cause I was sleeping in the car. Wait... if it felt like that, did I sleep from the plane ride to the car ride? Who carried me?

"You good?" my dad asked. "Yea, I just didn't expect you to be staring at me when I wake up," I say laughing. He laughs and says," Well I was about to wake you up but you woke up before I said anything."

"Ah, makes sense."

"Oh also, before you ask, you were sleep walking when I woke you up in the airport," he said. "Ohhhhhh........... Wait. Did I do anything embarrassing?"

"No other than barking at people, but you have a mask. They won't recognize you." He said.

"Oh ok. T__T"

We start to unpack and once we finish we hear a knock on the door. "Coming!" I say as I get closer to the door. I open it and see a woman and two tall blonde dudes. I figured they might be our neighbors so I said," Hello!"

"Hi! I'm Mrs. Tsukishima and these are my two sons. We are your neighbors and we decided to say hi," she says. "Oh! I see, well come on in," I say letting them in our house.

My dad comes closer to the door to see who is there and greeted the neighbors. We all sat in the living room chatting and getting to know each other. From this I got to know the son's names, one was named Kei Tsukishima and the other Akiteru Tsukishima, Akiteru was the older one and also the nicer one. The younger one, Kei, was a literal bitch.

After more talking I was informed that Kei was a first year just like me so I may have a class with him. When it was starting to get late, they left and my dad and I had dinner. Tomorrow will be my first day at Karasuno, I wonder how it will be.


I woke up to the sound of my dad playing my piano that is in my room annoyingly, trying to wake me up.

It worked and now I was there just looking at him till my voice decided to cooperate with me. "Dad, please stooopppp, I'm awakeeee," I say.

"Ah, great!" He says as he leaves the room.


Anyways I get ready and go downstairs to eat breakfast. Once I finish eating breakfast I leave for school. "Bye Dad, Love youuuu!" I say.

"I love you, BITCH. I ain't gon never stop loving you, BITCH" my dad says back.

Man...what a cool dad.

I started to walk to school, as I was walking I heard footsteps behind me. I looked and saw the salty dude from yesterday and a dude with freckles and green hair. (Guys wrong anime, it's not Midoriya lol)

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