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All my grades were A's and B's... except... FRICKING MATH, IDK HOW PEOPLE UNDERSTAND THAT.

My mom told me that I needed a tutor since my grade in math wasn't up to her standards...and to be honest it wasn't up to mine either. But I don't know who to askkkk. Nishinoya and Tanaka probably won't be the best at it. Jack has a very advanced class and doesn't remember what my teacher is teaching.


Tsuki? Maybe he could help?


I walk into the classroom and find him chilling, listening to music again. I wonder what he is listening to.


"YOINK!" I take his headphones and put them on. He was listening to After school by Weeekly. Dang, great taste. :0

I started to sing along with it. He blushes from embarrassment and tried to get his headphones back.

"Give me my headphones!"


"Give it to me" he reached for them but I took them away again.

"I'll give them back on one condition!" I say pointing at him.

He stops and glares at me. "What do you want?"

I breathe in and out slowly," Can you pleeeeaaseeee tutor me?"

"What? No." He laughs.



I pout and give him the puppy eyes, "why nottt???"

He blushes and quickly looks the other way. "Fine."

"YAYYYYYY!!!" I jump up and down and then return his headphones. "You have great taste by the way"

"Thanks, I guess" he blushes.

I sit down in my seat, right next to him, and then the teacher comes. The teacher starts to go on about something involving math, which I didn't understand of course. It was boring too. I stared out the window for a bit and once I looked back at the board I saw A LOT of math.

How the hell do you write so fast? What even are those equations? This doesn't make any senssssssssssssee. T__T

"Alright, since no one is raising their hand I will pick on someone," the teacher said.

No No No No please not me. I crossed my fingers. 🤞

The teacher then stared at me.

Stop staring at me. I think they are going to pick me. I swear if yo-

"Oh! L/n, how about you answer the question?"


What if I say no?

"Umm, are you asking me if I want to answer? If so, then no thank you," I reply.

"Nope, I wasn't asking, you will be answering," he replied.

Well damn.

"Hmm...Ummm... I think it is... one?" I guessed. If I get this right then I am a genius.

The teacher looked at me with wide eyes. "Y-you are correct."

My eyes widen and I smile. LETS GOOOOOO!

I look at Tsuki with a giant smile and he looks at me with wide eyes.


We finished practice and started heading home. "Soooo... where are we going?"

I saw him think for a second and then he replied with," My house."

"Okie Dokie!" I replied.

We walked to his house and then he led me to his room. He got me a chair and we both sat at his desk.

"Alright, so you need help with math?" he asked.

"Yes I do," I sigh.

"Alright so take out the homework for today and your notebook."

I took them out and he started to explain things to me. The whole time he was explaining the equations to me, I was confused. I looked at his face since I was about to tell him 'What?' but then I noticed how close his face was and started blushing.

"Hey, are you listening to what I'm say-" he looked at me and he also started to blush.

"N-no," I reply.

We both stood there just looking at each other, with red faces. I looked down at his lips and then back at his eyes. I immediately realized what I did and turned a darker shade of red. His eyes widened and he did the same thing I did, back at me.

*knock knock*

"Kei, mom wants to ask you if you want lasagna or pizza for dinner" we could hear from behind the door.

Damn. Wait what?

He gets up and opens the door. "So which do you wa- why are you hiding your face?" His brother asks.

He looks behind Tsuki and sees me blushing. His eyes widen.

"Oh shoot! I'm so sorry for interrupting I'll just say pizza ok?"

"You w-weren't I-interrupting anything and sure" Tsuki replied.

"Yea sure..." his brother then leaves.

"So about question 3...I still don't get it..."I said quietly, I was a bit scared of the aura he was radiating rn.

He sighs and then sits back down next to me. He starts to explain it slowly and eventually I understand.


It was getting late so I decided to head home. "Bye Tsuki! Bye Akiteru! Bye Tsuki's mother!"

Tsukishima's POV

They're on a first name basis? What? Since when?

Akiteru's POV

I felt a deadly aura right behind me and like I was being stared at.

Confused, I turn my head to the left and see Kei glaring at me like usual but it felt different. Hmm.


Oh? Does he like that girl?

"Hey, you like that girl?" I asked.

He looked shocked and then he started to blush.

So he does...does he know?

"Oh so you do?" I smirk.

"N-no I don't" he replies

"Your face is telling me otherwise, you liar."

"I could never like someone like that" he crosses his arms and looks away.

"Well if you did I would be ok with it since she is really pretty" I said.

"I bet you two would have pretty children..." I added and then smirked once I saw him turn as red as a strawberry.

"Just know that if you actually like that girl, make sure you ask her out because you never know if someone else will ask her out before you and take her," I said and then left to get the table ready for dinner.


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