I like her, don't I?

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"WHAT?!?!?!" Yachi yelled.

"SHHHHH!!" I covered her mouth.

"MDJXKDKDB" she mumbled.

I looked at Kiyoko to see if she would help me out but she just looked at me with wide eyes.

"You like-"

I covered her mouth as well. "SHHHHHH!!!"

By now everyone was looking at the three of us. "Uhhhh- hi!!!" I waved at all of them in an attempt to make them mind their own business and forget what just happened.

"Did...Kiyoko just say...you liked someone?!?!?" Tanaka and Nishinoya said in unison.


"I did say-"


"Who?" Tsuki asked. The whole gym was quiet. Everyone was already quiet and listening to what was happening but now that Tsukishima said that, they all became really quiet. Why would he ask....? They all thought.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh... well I didn't confirm that I DID like someone though..."

"You didn't say that you didn't like anyone either," he added.

"It's someone in here-"


Almost as if I was saved by the lord someone opened the door. Everyone looked. It was the new guy! Chris!

"Oh my gosh! Hi Chris!!! What are you doing here?" I asked.

"O-oh I was here to sign up for volleyball-"


He smiled and then looked at everyone else. Coach Ukai went up to him and started talking to him. Then everyone started to go back to what they were doing before. Well, everyone except Tsuki. He just stared at me then turned away and started going back to what he was originally doing.


I relaxed and then started my manager duties.


After practice, we all went our separate ways. As I was walking I felt a presence behind me. Crap...I was trying to avoid him 😭 I thought he would start asking me questions.


I turned around," hm?"

"Is it Jack?" He asked.

"What about him?" I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"Is he the one you like?"

"Oh! No, 😂" I laughed.

"Ok," he replied and then walked towards his house.

That was weird, what does he want?




I didn't say anything back and waited for him to come. HEHEHEHEH REVENGE!!! 

I heard footsteps and then saw my door open. "What do you want?" he asked.

"Welllllll, I have a question since you're a guy..." I replied.

"Mk," he said and sat down on my bed.

"Alright so, if you were to like a girl, how would you treat her?" I ask.

"Well, it's different for every guy but for me, I would always try to make her laugh and or happy. Her smile would make me happy."

"Aww, that's cute... what would other guys do?" I ask.

"Another thing that is common is that the guy would be mean or sort of bully the girl he likes, I don't know why or how that works but some guys are just like that," he replied.

My eyes widened. Tsuki is always mean... no, it can't be. He is just a bully...right? There is no way he likes anyone. And if he ever did like someone, it definitely isn't me. Why would he ever like someone like me? He probably thinks I am annoying. I bet he would like girls like Kiyoko instead, someone who is chill and maybe an introvert.

I started to furrow my eyebrows the more that I thought about it.


Tsukishima's POV

I went to my room and shut the door behind me. I looked around my room, I had so many questions but I didn't know who to ask or how to ask them. I can't ask Akiteru since he would probably laugh at me or tease me. My mom would get shocked and start speaking too loudly making it so that Akiteru can also hear so that is also a no-go. I could ask Yamaguchi but that would be too embarrassing.

Then I looked at my computer. Perfect. I sat at my desk and turned on my computer. I went to google and started to type my questions.

'What does it feel like to-'

'Why do I feel-'

'How to identify why you have-'

"AGH!" I facepalmed. Why don't I know how to word my question? It is almost as if I don't even know what I'm looking for. All I want to know is why I feel different around y/n. I can tell that I think differently and that I straighten my posture a little bit when she is around. But why is that? Why do my palms slightly get sweaty when she is around? Why do I feel butterflies when I hear her name or when I think about her? Hold on... no...no there's no way.

'How do you know if you like someone?'

I clicked on the first thing I found. 'Everything makes you think about them. You will get nervous or have butterflies in your stomach when they are around. They will always be on your mind. You get jealous when someone else tries to flirt with them. You will think about holding their hand or wanting to kiss them but by the time you start thinking of that, you should have already realized your feelings for that person.'


I like that dumbass, don't I?

Akiteru's POV

Wtf is going on in that room? At first I heard heavy breathing and now I hear intense typing.


And now a slap too?!?! What is he doing in there?



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