Valentine's Day

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"Ok so let me go over my plan real quick."

"Alright!" Yachi exclaimed.

"Ok, so... first we are going to get them to go together to a coffee shop. Then after the coffee shop, they go on a cute little walk in the park and hopefully hold hands. While in the park we have to make sure they pause and sit down below a tree and we can probably like throw leaves or flowers at them to make it look more aesthetic. And with all of those flowers and the weather then hopefully it sets the mood for a kiss. LASTLY, they get together after they share a kiss! Everyone knows what to do now?"

Everyone in the gym looked at me with a determined look, well... everyone except Tsuki. He just rolled his eyes at me.

"Kei! This is serious! It's Valentine's day and we have to make my ship come true!" I said with my hands on my hips.

"Hmph, ok ok, sure. Now what do you want me to do?" he asked.

"Well... can you help me climb the tree so I can wait for them to come and sit down at the tree? I want to be the one throwing the flowers."


"Thank youuuuuuuu!" I replied.

"Alright everyone! Let's go to our spots now! And quick! I hear them coming." I said and started to run with Tsuki towards the prettiest and biggest tree in the park.

"Kei! Quick! Help me up the tree plssss!"

"Alright," he laughs and then picks me up. Once he picked me up, I held onto a branch and started to climb.

"Thank you! Can you get up here by yourself or do you need help?" I asked.

"No, I don't need help." he started to climb up the tree by himself and sat on the same branch I was on.

I smile and then get in a more comfortable position so I could sit and wait for Jack and Chris. I looked into the distance and then saw both of them.

"Oh my gosh! Look! They are over there!" I point towards their direction. "They look so cute!" I added.

They walked into the park and started looking around the park. Chris looked like he was amused with the color of the trees and Jack looked like he was admiring Chris. It was so adorable!

While they were walking around the park, they found an ice cream stand. They both looked at each other and started talking, maybe they were asking eachother if they wanted some ice cream and if so what flavor.

Jack started to walk towards the ice cream stand and it looks like he ordered ice cream for both of them and paid.

He came back to Chris and handed him his ice cream. They started to walk around the park again while eating their ice cream. While they were walking though, I noticed that Jack was frequently taking small glances at Chris.

Chris looked at him and then smiled. AWWW.

"Kei! Look, they are smiling at each other!"

Tsuki laughed and shifted on the branch. The branch moved a little and it scared me. "EE!" I held onto his arm.

"Woah! Don't tear my arm off," he laughed.

"You moved the branch and it scared me!  >:( " I said back.

He chuckled and then we both looked back at Chris and Jack.

They were holding hands now!!!! Perfect! And now they were walking towards the tree that me and Tsuki were on.

"Oh my gosh! They are coming! Quick get the leaves and flowers!" I whisper yelled.

He took out the bag of flowers and leaves and got ready to take handfuls and sprinkle it on them. Jack and Chris walked up to the tree and sat down.

I winked at Tsuki and we both started to get handfuls of leaves/flowers and started to sprinkle them on both of them.

"Kiss kiss fall in love!" I whispered. Kei laughed and threw more flowers.

Jack looked at Chris and started to lean in.

"Oh my gosh it's happening!" I whisper.

Once Chris noticed, he started to blush and leaned in too.

We ran out of leaves and flowers at this point and we just watched as they were about to kiss. I got super excited that my ship was about to come true and moved the tree branch on accident.

Once it moved, I got scared and grabbed whatever was closest to me, which was Tsuki. I hugged him tight like as if I let go I would have fallen and died or something. He hugged back but it looked like he was trying his best not to laugh.

I pouted and looked up at him.

He smiled and then got close to my face. "Is it our turn now?" he asked and leaned even closer to my face.

My eyes widened and I started to blush. Even though I was shocked and stayed in place, my body somehow moved. And the only thing that moved was my head. I nod and he gets even closer. Eventually pecking my lips.

"Happy Valentine's day Y/n" he whispered.

"Happy Valentine's day Kei," I whispered back and buried my face in the crook of his neck.

Our plan worked and now Chris and Jack were dating but something unexpected also happened. Which was me and Tsuki's first kiss.

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