Tsuki 🙃 ♡

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As I ended the call, we were dismissed. Jack, Shoyo and I started to walk to the gym. We were all excited since we were looking forward to the match. When we got there we saw that we were early and there were only two other people there... Tsuki and Yamaguchi. I looked away and started to put up the net since I didn't feel like dealing with his ass. 😒

As I am putting up the net I realize that I can't reach the top to tie it. As I keep struggling, I hear a few laughs behind me.

It was everyone except Shoyo laughing at me, since he knew the pain. I flip them off and start trying again.

A few more jumps and then I feel a pair of hands wrap around my waist and lift me upwards. I am put on someone's shoulders and by the looks of it, it is Jack! I can see his half pink half black hair.

And with that I can reach to tie the net. When I finish I say, "Thanks Jack!" while smiling.

"No problem y/n!" he says, returning the smile. I look at Tsuki so I can flip him off again but I see him glaring at Jack.

Jack realizes that, and sticks his tongue out at Tsuki.

Then everyone comes in.


"¡HOLA NIÑA!" Noya says.

"Ewww, you sound like a creepy Spanish teacher." I cringed.

"Sorry I had to, I learned that today :D" he replies, laughing.

"Aight...SO HOW ARE YOU GUYS??" I yell.




We all get afraid and I hid behind Jack. "you guys will be the ones to clean up afterwards if this goes on"

"NOOOO! WE'RE SORRY!" me, Tanaka and Noya say.

I hear laughing behind me AGAIN and see Tsukishima is the one laughing. I glare at him then start doing my manager duties with Yachi and Kiyoko.

Lucky for them, I have great eyes that can detect anything like what we could do better.

The boys start warming up for a 6 on 6 match with each other. It was nice since they had exactly 12 boys. As they were playing I noticed a few things, Shoyo, Tanaka, Yamaguchi, Narita, Kinoshita  and Tsuki need to get better at receives, specifically Tsuki and Shoyo. Ennoshita needs to get better at his spikes, Asahi, Shoyo, Tsuki, and Narita need to get better at their serves, and since Shoyo is a middle blocker he needs to get better timing for the blocks.

I showed Kiyoko my clipboard/notes on what they did very well and what they need practice at. She was shocked by how much I wrote down, how specific I was, and also by how neat my notes were.

I had statistics and their abilities written down. Like how Tanaka has one hell of a cross shot. (I am not completely sure if that is what it's called)

She showed the coach which I forgot the name of...was it Kai? Ikai? It had Kai in it. I don't know. Anyway. She showed it to him and he also looked shocked. I got up and started helping Yachi with filling up water bottles.

Once I finished, which was in about a minute, Coach Kai told them to gather around. He then started reading off the notes I had, telling them what they will be practicing, and at the end of that, Narita asked who did the notes since they were shockingly accurate on all of their abilities, even the ones that weren't shown. And the coach pointed at me as I was giving them their water bottles.

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