Jack and the Beanstalk ♡

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He looks scary... "hi Daichi, I'm y/n l/n!" "Would you like to see my phone? I still haven't showed anyone my wallpaper."

"Nice to meet you and umm...sure"

"Alright! You won't regret it" I say as I get my phone out. I show him the grandma phone case first and he looks at me and then at the guys in front of me, then my phone case... and back at me.

"I- how did you get that? Where did you get that? And why did you get that?" He asked me.

"I got it by buying it, it was on  Amazon, and I got it cuz why not?"

"...ok... is the wallpaper an old lady as well?"

"Nope, my lock screen is my current mood and the mood that I will always be in," I say.

I show them my lock screen and Tanaka and Nishinoya start to tear up from laughter. 

"Do you like it? I also have an awesome home screen

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"Do you like it? I also have an awesome home screen. I just wanted to give a message to people who take my phone."

"Okay..." Daichi said sweat dropping. I then proceeded to show them my home screen. It was a picture of Barry B Benson 💕💕💕

 It was a picture of Barry B Benson 💕💕💕

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Seems like everyone liked it, even Daichi.

"Ayyy, that's my guyyy," Tanaka said.

"Stahp please, i know he's hot and y'all just jealous that you weren't asked if you liked jazz" I say.

"NO FAIRRRR" Nishinoya asks.

Then the bell rang, meaning we had to go to our next class. I found out that I have Hinata in this class so I walked with him. As we were walking I saw Tsukishima and decided to annoy him before we go to class until he saw me and got to it first.

"Oh look, it's the new shortie." He says chuckling while freckle boy chuckles as well.

😒 rood.

"Oh hi beanstalk. Which class you got next? Are they gonna start teaching you how to help Jack get to the clouds?" I ask him.

"Who called my name?" I hear a boy say.

I look around and see this kid with PINK hair and on the other half he has black hair. I started laughing cause mentally I was saying 'BLACKPINK in ur areA'.

"Is your name Jack?"


"I was talking about you and the beanstalk, u taking classes on how to climb one? Cause I would love to join"

"No not yet but if I do I would definitely tell you," he said laughing. And BAM instant friend.

I looked back at beanstalk and he just said 'tch'. I then stuck my tongue out and walked into the class room with my new friends. :D

We read the board and it said,' students may pick their seats, but if I can't trust you with your friends you will be moved.' And the perfect thing was that there was one area that had three desks since we had an odd number of desks. I looked at Hinata and then at Jack and they both nodded, knowing what I was thinking. We all then ran to the back seats, the only area having three desks together and sat down making sure everyone knows these are our seats.

"OH yeah! Jack! I haven't showed you my phone case and wallpaper yet." I said. I then took out my phone and showed him. He laughed and then asked," where can I get me one of those?"

"aMaZoNnNnNnN" I say. Jeez, I said that word a lot these past few minutes.

"Okay class may I get your attention?" the teacher says.

I look forward and see this old lady that kinda looked like the lady on my phone case. I look at Hinata and Jack and we all tried our best to not burst out laughing. But the teacher noticed.

"What's so funny?" She asked us. I look at them both and they nodded, telling me to show her. I go up to the teacher with my phone and show her the case," I'm sorry miss but... you look like her and I just tried not to laugh."

She started laughing and said," oh wow! That really does look like me" I was a bit shocked but then I got happy, knowing I got a cool teacher.

"Anyways, sit down, I can hear the principal's foot steps. "

The teacher wasn't lying, we settled down and The VICE principal came in.

"Oof, that wig." I whisper to the two guys beside me, making them giggle quietly.

He then started to look around the class until he looked at me and stared for a few seconds. I stared back thinking he was declaring a staring contest. He eventually blinked making me smile widely.

"Why are you smiling like that? it's creepy" he says.

"Cause I won the staring contest" I replied.

He didn't say anything and just walked out of the class room. I looked at both my new best friends and said," guys I singlehandedly made the vice principal leave" while laughing. They then joined in and laughed with me.

"You know what? We should make a group chat" Jack said.

"JACK! U ARE A GENIUS!!!" I yell back. We all exchange numbers and made a group chat.

"But let's not text until later, we will then have more time to create nicknames" Hinata said.

"Good point red head," Jack said while I nodded.

"...my hair isn't red it's orange..."


We finished classes and we finally got to go home. I did my night routine and then heard something hit my window. I open it and look outside on my balcony just to find a big box smash my face. 

I look out to see who threw it and see THAT FRICKING BEANSTALK looking at me through his window smirking. I stick my tongue out and flip him off while I look at the box. It looked like it was from Amazon. Now I was curious as to what was inside the box so I opened it and saw this...

I'm about to beat this bitch up

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I'm about to beat this bitch up. He really think I won't smack someone if needed? I look at him and see him laughing. This asshole.

I then get a notification and see that someone new texted me.

weirdo (Tsukishima x reader)(girl)Where stories live. Discover now