Will you be my girlfriend?

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I woke up earlier than usual today. I wonder why that is. When I looked at the time it was literally an hour before I usually would wake up. Wow.

I decided to take advantage of that and start getting ready because I take long as hell.

As I was in the shower, I kept thinking about what my dad told me yesterday. And then I thought about my thoughts from yesterday.

'There is no way he would like an annoying weirdo like me.'

I sighed and slapped my face. "It's ok, you haven't gotten rejected yet. Don't give up y/n!"

I got out of the shower and put on my uniform. This time I tried to make it look a bit cuter, I didn't wear stockings, instead, I wore knee-high socks. I even wore a really nice perfume so I hope this doesn't go bad. I will try to give him a slice of strawberry shortcake and then pop the question!

If only it was that easy though.

When can I buy the cake for him though? If I bought it now and gave it to him when he has practice, would it even be good by then? I don't think I can keep the cake in good shape for long...

OK but it's for Tsuki! I have to try my best!

I ate breakfast and then head towards the door with all of my stuff. "Hey wait!" my dad yelled.

"Hm?" I looked back at my dad.

"Why tf are you going so early? Are you meeting someone? 😏"

"Nooooooooo! I'm just gonna leave early so I can get to class early! :D" I lied.

"Liar but ok, bye bye little gremlin," he said.

" >:0 rude!!! Bye! Hmph!"

I left and walked towards a nearby bakery. Then I went inside and bought a slice of strawberry shortcake.

Alright...now how the hell am I going to keep it like this for the rest of the day?


I was way too early for class so now I am here in the classroom drawing in my notebook to pass time. A few minutes passed and I heard footsteps. I looked up and saw Tsuki.

"Good morning," I smiled at him.

He looked away, said," Good morning." and then sat down.

Should I give it to him now? We are alone in the classroom, well other than the teacher being here but still. Then two students walked in together. Damn it.

After those students came in, everyone else started to come into the classroom. Yea, definitely not now.

The teacher started talking and everyone put their attention to them. Even me.

"Alright students, we will be having a project. I have good news and maybe bad news. Which would you like to hear first?" they ask.

Everyone said the bad news first.

"Alright so, the bad news is that you won't be picking your partner and the good news is that you won't be doing the project alone."

Welp, it's not like I know many people in this class anyway- wait... why tf do we have a project in math? Are we going to be making a 3D model of how to solve 2 + 2 or something?

"Anyways, your partner will be your seat buddy, so if you guys haven't really met, say hi and get to know each other because you will have to work together on this project and any other upcoming projects. I put dice on your tables with different questions on each side, you will roll the dice and answer the questions to get to know each other."

weirdo (Tsukishima x reader)(girl)Where stories live. Discover now