I think I like him

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I came to class early today. Weird right? Yea I know...I couldn't sleep at all. It's all because of Tsuki. 😠

Speaking of the devil, he walks into the classroom with his headphones on. This time I'm not even thinking about what he is listening to. All I can think of right now is what happened yesterday. We almost kissed...

He walks up to his seat and looks at me. He then looks away and sits down.

"Good morning, Tsuki!" I say, trying to make it less awkward.

He looked at me, then looked behind me and raised an eyebrow. "Hmm?" I say and look behind me.

It was a new student! And since there was a seat behind me, the teacher told him to sit there. Aww he looks kind of cute.

He had brown fluffy hair, glasses, earrings, and had beautiful green eyes. (Random character lol, not Oikawa with green eyes 💀)

I smiled at him once he got close to my seat. He smiles back.

Awwww! He has cute braces!!

Tsukishima this whole time was just watching, he felt mad but he didn't know why. Why would someone like him be mad at a new student? He didn't do anything to him.

"Just know that if you actually like that girl, make sure you ask her out because you never know if someone else will ask her out before you and take her." The words his brother said to him started to replay in his head. Did he like y/n? No way. How could he ever like someone as weird as her? And he finds her annoying too! Right? All of these questions made his head hurt. He has never felt this way before. He has an idea of what it might be but he hopes it isn't what he thinks it is. It's not a time to be falling in love with someone who probably doesn't love him back. He has been nothing but mean or annoying to her...well...most of the time. There's a little chance that she may like him...right?

"What's your name?" I asked the new guy.

"M-my name is Chris," he replied.

"Well, hello Chris! Wanna be friends?!?" I asked.

"S-sure!" He said.


"L/n, you can socialize with the new student later," the teacher said.

Ugh, this teacher is always such a party pooper. :(

I smile at Chris and then turn back around to face the front of the classroom. As soon as the teacher opened their mouth, I zoned out.

But even though I was zoned out, I heard Tsuki's chuckle clearly. I looked at him and stuck my tongue out at him. This only made him laugh more though.

I cross my arms and look at the teacher to make it look like I'm paying attention. But soon I felt that someone was staring, I couldn't really say where though.

I looked towards Tsuki and saw him looking at me. Oh?

I smirk at him and bring my face to his ear. "Whatcha looking at?" I ask.

He blushes and looks away, "your hair is messed up," he lied.

"Wait really!?!?" I said and tried fixing my hair.

"Is it ok now?" I asked and he laughed.

"Can you two lovebirds just be quiet for one second? Do I need to separate you two?" The teacher asked.

"No!! We're good! I say with a blush on my face, from both being embarrassed and because of what the teacher said.


Little did y/n know, Tsuki was also thinking about the same thing.

The teacher started to teach again and I zoned out, like normal.


I walk into the gym. Ooo, seems like I'm early today. I look around to see if anyone is there but see no one.

I start to set up the nets...well tried to. When it came to the part where I had to tie it. I gave up on it but found a rolling chair. How come out of any chair, it's a rolling chair. Why is there a rolling chair in the gym? 💀

I take it and use it to tie the net. It made me tall enough to tie it but since it was a rolling chair...it was bound to move at some point. And just to my luck, I had horrible balance. Making me fall.

I quickly put my arms around my head and braced myself for the impact. But I never felt it. I opened my eyes and looked around. I saw arms around my torso.

Who caught me?

I look behind me and see Tsuki. His face was very red.

"THANK U TSUKIIIIII!!!!!" I hugged him. He blushes and stayed in place, with his arms at his sides.

Out of nowhere, Nishinoya and Tanaka came in.

"OH MY LORDY LORD!!! TSUKI HOW DARE U HUG Y/N!!!!" They both said.

They ran towards him and tackled him.


"Hey hey! Leave Tsuki alone!! He caught me when I was about to fall! You should thank him!" I pout and put my hands on my hips.

"OH FOR REAL!?!?" Tanaka asked.

"YES!" I replied.

"ALRIGHT THEN!" Noya said.

"THANK UUUU!!" They both said and bowed to Tsuki.


I giggle and ruffle their hair...well spiky hair and basically a bald head. It felt like I was rubbing sandpaper with one hand and touching a porcupine with the other 😭

"Anyways, you guys should start warming up!" I said.

"Alright," they said, two of them being wayyyy more enthusiastic then the other.

Then all of the other teammates and managers came. I said hello to Kiyoko and Yachi.

"Hey y/n, I've been noticing that someone in this gym would be staring at you all the time," Yachi told me.

"W-what?" I asked.

"Do you like anyone? Cause if it's the guy staring at you then I'll tell you who it is," she said.

"Well... I don't really know what it feels like to like someone..." I say.

"Well, do you happen to get nervous around anyone? When you are close to that certain someone do you feel like you're on fire? Or as if there were butterflies in your stomach? Do you ever just want to hug or kiss them?" Kiyoko asked.

As she was saying and explaining all of these different things, I started to realize that I did like someone.

"I think I do like someone..." I said to them.

"Wait, really?!?! Who????" Yachi asked.

"I think I like Tsuki..."

weirdo (Tsukishima x reader)(girl)Where stories live. Discover now