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"Come, give me your hand."

"If we were anywhere else, what you just said would be seen quite differently!" Jô makes me laugh, we were in the middle of a big hike that we agreed to do with all the cast and production to get to know the peak of a mountain well known in Bulgaria. When we arrived at our destination, we realized that the place was really sensational, it was very windy despite the sun, we were all bundled up, wearing big jackets.

Mira and Louise, as always, took lots of pictures together, I'm sure that when they post the internet the fans will go crazy, again. At the bottom of the photo anyone could see Jô and me sitting together to observe the landscape:

"So... Once again together, almost at the end of the shootings..."

"Yeah... But let's not think about it now Jô... Let's enjoy here today, okay? Just leave it to..."

"Leave it to Hero and Josephine of the future..."

"Yeah!" And we laugh... She takes a deep breath closing her eyes:

"It's so beautiful here, isn't it?"

I look at her, who is focused on the distant mountains, her eyes shining even more, her hair lighter than ever, her skin, everything, she is beautiful...

"Yes... It's really beautiful..."

"I will miss this..." She presses her eyes thoughtfully, and I watch her:

"Okay Jô... I know you want to say something..."

"It's just that... I was thinking... In the future, when all this is over, we will receive several proposals from other places, I hope, we will tell other stories, we will live other characters, with other themes, other works..."


"And... I have mixed feelings inside me... It's a little bit of fear, it's anxiety to live what is to come..."

"I know exactly what you're feeling... I feel the same thing Jô! I'm afraid It won't be as successful as After, afraid that I won't be as lucky as we were here..."

"What's next? And if we fail somewhere... And if we disappoint someone..."

She was frowning at the landscape, now more serious, her voice was shaking, Jô was almost crying, and I really knew what she was feeling. It is fear of the unknown... Fear of what comes... And anxiety to happen soon, I always felt it in truth, but I also know that we will achieve good things. The only thing I managed to do was bring her closer to me, without caring what the others at the casting would think or say about us, I just wanted to be there for her, and I did. She leaned her head against my chest and I put my arm around her, hugged her tightly, felt her breathing easier.

"And... Us?"

I knew what she was going to say, I didn't want to avoid the subject anymore:


"Yes! "

"I... I don't know..."

"You're going to visit me in Los Angeles, aren't you?"

"If you want... I will!"

"Obviously I want! I will wait for you with board games, drinks and chicken!"

I can't hold my laugh:

"It's the least you could offer me!"

"No... The least thing that I could offer to you would to welcome you to the door with open arms!"

"No... This is the best for me!"

She looks at me, deep in my eyes, holds my chin, bringing me closer to her mouth, and kisses me, softly, I feel her pulling my hair, massaging as her lips touch mine slowly, her breathing still calm, then stares at me again:

"We are looking like a movie couple. Looking at this beautiful landscape together..."

"Yeah maybe because we are a couple from the movie Jô."

"Truth!" We laugh again, if there's one thing we do together is to laugh... And make out:

"I never experienced that... I thought it didn't even exist in the truth..."


"This feeling..."

"Me too, Jô!"

She looks at me as if she is surprised:

"Hero Fiennes Tiffin with feelings?"

"Hey! I have feelings!"

"What an evolution, you said in an interview that love is just a matter of reproduction, remember?"

"Yeah... I spoke without thinking... Did you see what you do to me?!"

"And you just agreed with me again! Did you see?"

"I did?"


"About you being as close to a feeling as the movies I have felt in my life?"

"Yup! I knew that you would agree with me again!"

"Ahhhh stop making fun of me! I will always agree with you!"

"I'm glad you're here with me!"

I look at her and give her a kiss on the head, hugging her even tighter.

"I'm glad you're here with me!"

"I love you!" She speaks softly, but I can understand.

"What did you say?"


"Oh no! I know what I heard!"

"So I don't have to repeat it!" She laughs.

"Pleaaaase!" But she just laughs, so I hug her again:

"I love you Jô."

I feel her return hugging me tighter and we stay there, still watching the landscape, the others in the cast and production sit next to us also watching every detail of the view, and we stay there until sunset, resting and enjoying every second of the rest that day.

Behind the End - HerophineWhere stories live. Discover now