491 31 4

I take a fast shower, I'm clean, ready for the live. I answer all the interviewer's questions, most of them had already answered in other interviews, but this time it was easier to talk about issues that were complicated before, like talking about Diesel, for example, my dog ​​who died and I still miss, or to talk about me...

After the live, they call us to eat, it is strange to stay in the restaurant, which used to be crowded with actors, now just us and some people from the production. We sat together, talked about some scenes that were still missing, said what we would do before returning to our homes, we were already exhausted, many days away from friends, family, focused on telling the Hessa's story, which was already at the end, but still so, we were happy to be able to finish it, so many other stories were canceled, or stopped in the middle, but After no... We went to the end and arrived at the future of the characters.

While Carter was shooting his scenes, Jô and I were getting ready for ours. Frances had previously shooted her scenes with Jô and now it was my turn! I made the most of her little body during the hot scenes that we starred in... That, in the truth, they were getting better and better! We are getting really good at shooting romantically sexy movies, we are very professional, but we also feel something different, I feel her body relax on top of mine, her deep breath, her eyes close and I feel her tongue between our kisses, it's hot.

We had some interviews scheduled for this final week, so in our "free time" we answered questions about the second movie, which was close to being available on some digital platforms that had not been released, we played some games too, I was unable to control some looks and neither does Jô... But do you know what! We like each other and we know it, it is not a crime to want to keep what we feel just for us...


"I already know what you're going to talk about!"

"Do you know?"

"From the moment I said that H. was falling more and more in love with her..."

She crossed her arms waiting for me to say something more:

"How do you know I was talking about you?"

She continues to stare at me, now with an angry face almost letting her smile escape:

"Well, it wasn't..."


"I won't admit it because if I say something, you run away from me!"

She smiles and approaches:



"All things that we talk in the interviews, the fans creat stories about us, then maybe we won't like!"

"We?" I look at her: "Okay, next time I control myself okay?"


"I was scared when you said you saw a ghost!"

"I notice! You should have seen your face! You didn't react for milliseconds..." She says laughing.

"I saw my life passing in front of me in an instant!" Her smile is contagious and made me laugh for free. A few minutes passed and we looked at each other, I approached her and I can't control the words:

" Would you like to spend Christmas with me?"

"What?" She walks away.

"You don't have to answer now Jô... Just..."

"No conditions! How would we do that? Do you think I would go to London like that? And... And there's more! I have to go back to Los Angeles, my things are there, I need to talk to my sister... My friends... Has no way..."

"Jô, calm down! I get it! It was just a question! I don't want you to be sad for spending Christmas from away the one you love! That's all!"

The room is silent for a long time, seconds that felt like hours, and then I realize what I said:

"I... I didn't mean it... It was about... Your family... Not about m..."

"You... I don't want to think about it now Hero..."

"When are you going to think about it then..."

"Not now... The Josephine from the future will solve this..."


"Now, I want to be with you... Who knows when we will be together again! You will go on with your life and I will go with mine... I understand that!"


"Hero... please!"

"Okay... I better go to my..."

"No... Stay! Stay here with me?"

I spend some time thinking and agree to stay, I feel a tense mood in the air, but I can't do much, again, I don't know how it will be going forward, in a few days I will be away from her again and with no date to return...

Behind the End - HerophineWhere stories live. Discover now