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I had no other reaction than to say her name and pull her into the tightest hug she has ever received, and she reciprocated by holding me tight:

"I miss you!"

It was almost impossible to hear behind that mask that muffled her voice, but I was happy to smell her again, to touch her again.

"I swear I'm clean, without Covid. I did the test before leaving home." I hear her laugh and she said "me too" and I hug her tighter again, if that was still possible... When we parted, I held her hand and brought her into the room, I close the door, she takes off her mask and we face each other.

"Hi." She speaks and gives me a beautiful smile and I return, continue to stare, not believing that we are finally together again.

"I miss you so much, I couldn't stand to see you, beautiful through my computer screen or cell phone". She approached me while I spoke.

"Like me... I was looking at your pictures modeling, serious, hot and I couldn't hug you, smell you... Like this..." She hugs me, puts her arms over my shoulders, smells my neck and look at me again.

"Oh yes?"

"Yeah, and kiss you..."

"How?" I just want to feel her lips, and I'm sure she wants mine, she was staring a lot... And without thinking she approaches:

"Like this..."

She holds my face and gives me a long kiss, her lips stick to mine, I feel her tongue on mine, finally, her breath, the warmth of her mouth, her smell, and her weight pulling me down, Jô needs to stay on tiptoe to kiss me, I hold her ass and give her an impulse so she can jump on my lap and that's what she does! Clinging to me with your legs. I kiss her even more, bringing her closer, I sit on the bed and she fits on top of me without stopping to kiss me.

I hear the sound of her shoes falling on the floor, she trying to take my shirt off, so I have to stop her, stop us both, because if there is one thing I want most at this moment is to lay her in bed and to fuck for hours:



"Castille will come here to talk to you!"

"I already talked to her!" She kisses my neck again.

"They told me hours ago that they were going to call us anytime to eat..."

"Hero Fiennes Tiffin denying sex? This is new..."

"Speaking like that, it seems like I'm crazy about sex in the relationship!" We laugh together. "And I'm not denying sex... Give me your hand!"

"What?" She looks at me scared and I laugh more.

"Calm! This is not what you are thinking!"

She makes a face at me and holds my hand, I take it to the volume in my pants and show her what she did to me in less than five minutes, and she is shocked...

"Wow! What hardness huh?!" I laughed at what she had just said, and she didn't stop:


"It is HAAAARD how you miss me!"

"It is Jô, it was really hard to stay away from you..."

"I know... So let's go with the guys, right?"

She was getting off my lap so I held her around the waist and with the other hand on her face:

"Hey" she glares at me, "seriously now, I really missed you."

"I missed you Hero, it's not the same thing talking on cell phones..." She puts her whole body over mine again, and I hug her tight.

"It really isn't the same! I wanted to be with you all the time like that, not just between four walls..."

"I know, but they would never keep it with them... If a lot of people hear about us imagine how many fans and magazines are going to be on top of us to have a subject to disclose... I don't want that..."

"I know, and I don't want that either!" I face her, "it's really cool about you, not wanting exposure, I agree with that!"

"I know you agree! You agree with everything I say!"

"I knew you were going to make fun of this! Because of the interviews, right?" She laughs:

"I saw a video of the fans with a compilation of 'I agree with what Jô said'!"

"I knew this video would come to you." I laugh but then stop. "I had a problem with a girl in London because we were together and she was filming me to gain a follower, it was very annoying..."

"I promise not to do that! I want the moments to be remembered by me, not for cell phone memory or for anyone else..."

I kiss her, there's no way this moment won't be remembered for both of us, along with everyone else.

Behind the End - HerophineWhere stories live. Discover now