Chapter 2

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HEY YOU GUYS!!!!!! So this is chapter 2... yeah... Hopefully it will be longer. Please please please leave a comment down below. Hope you like!!!

        Edd looked into the ginger's sea green eyes. They are so beautiful... what? Edd thought and continued to argue with himself until the Kevin's voice broke through his thoughts. " Eddward could you please let me go? I have to get to class." Edd snapped back to reality and focused on his victim." Relax pumpkin. I have to talk to you." He pushed him on to the floor and pined him down. Kevin felt so awkward, yet so turned on at the same time. " Come to my swim meet tonight at 6 or else" Edd whispered in to Kevin's ear, " then we have to talk. Got it???" Kevin replied with a very slow, yet scared, nod. "Good."  Edd slowly stood up and walked off. Kevin stayed on the ground until he was gone and quickly got up. He got into his locker for his chemistry book, while thinking up a reason for Edd's strange invitation. he quickly pushed it out of his mind and scurried to class, barly making it before the bell rang.


        All Edd could think about all day was Kevin. He was intently in love with him, but scared to admit it. He was going to try today after the swim meet. How will he react? Will he love me back? Edd thought it over for it seemed hours on end. Though he knew he loved him, he was not sure if he could tell Kevin. Edd never felt this way for any other person in his entire life. 

        Kevin walked home thinking about Edd. What will he ask? Will he just trap me and beat me up? Kevin was overwhelmed by his own thoughts. He shook it off and put in his headphones and listened to some dub step. Though most found it pointless, Kevin actually loved it. When he arrived home he pulled out his algebra 2 book. He was soon done and moved on to other homework. Hours flew by and it was soon 5:30. Kevin grabbed his phone and headed out the door. 

        Edd was sort of scared Kevin wasn't going to come. Shit... I scared him too much. Edd was saddened. He didn't even feel like swimming. He was about to go and race when he saw the ginger's bright hair. His mood immediately changed. I have to win this. For Kevin. When the shot was fired, signaling time to go, Edd swam as fast as light. He of course won. Peach Creek always won but this time Edd had different reasons for winning other than popularity. 

        Edd came out of the locker room after changing an went looking for Kevin. What Edd didn't know was that Kevin was still at the pool. Waiting like he said he would. Some guys from the swim team came out and saw Kevin. They quickly surrounded him. " Wh-what do you want?" No reply. "I am leaving now so if you would please excuse me." Kevin tried to get out but failed due to the fact the swim team was larger than him by at least a couple of inches and they were stronger. The first punch was to the gut. Kevin fell down quick, holding his stomach. They all started to kick and punch Kevin. "EDD!!!" Kevin screamed. No one came. "EDD!!!!!!" Kevin tried again. This time Edd heard and ran to Kevin. When he saw the swim team surrounded around Kevin he immediately separated them. " GET THE F*CK OFF OF HIM!!!!" Edd screamed. They scrambled when they saw how pissed he was. Edd went to Kevin and held him close. With tears in his eyes Edd apologized for not coming sooner. "It's not your fault." Kevin replied. Kevin was jumping in and out of consciousness. Then finally his world went dark. Not listening to Edd about not leaving him ang lett the numbness wrap around him. Comforting him from the pain of the world.

        There you go guys... That last paragraph is... Very sad... I will update soon. Please feel free to leave a comment!


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