Chapter 8

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Hey there guys. So before you come at me with pitchforks and torches, let me explain. I have been moving and crap and have had less internet time so yeah. Hope I didn't lose you guys! Well...

Enjoy ;)

Edd Pov

So after calling a therapist I got dressed and went out to get some food. I was starving. I mean... Figures. I haven't eaten in like days. Now I was feeling better, knowing everything would be okay again. At least, I hope it will. I miss him deeply.

I went to McDonald's (I know so delicious, NOT) and got plain cheeseburger and coke. I went home, thinking about how to convince him I changed. It would be hard to, but it would be worth the pain. I want to just snuggle with him and love on him. He is like the perfect size for snuggling. I smiled at an old memory we had.


"HAHAHAHA STOP!" Kevin yelled in between giggles. We were having a lazy day and I had decided to start up a tickle fight and I, of course, was dominant. "Not until you say mercy," I said as I stared into his beautiful eyes. "OKAY OKAY! MERCY!" I hopped off him and said in a mocking tone, " Now was that so hard?" Kevin didn't respond, only staring at the floor. "Kevin?" I questioned, worried there may be something wrong. I walked over and got face level with him. "Kevin?" I said in a soft tone. He then, to my surprise, pushed me down and straddled me. He then starting tickling like crazy. " HAHAHAHA STOP!" I said with tears in my eyes. "Not until you say mercy" he said. "Never!" I yelled back. He then took the tickling to another level and went even faster. "OKAY OKAY OKAY!" I yelled, tears streaming down my face from laughing so hard. "Okay what?" he said mockingly. "MERCY!" He stopped and rolled on to the floor next to me. "I love you" he said. "I love you too," and I took this chance and kissed him lightly. But when I went to pull away, he just pulled me back and kissed me hard. I moaned as our lips crashed together. I could feel myself going hard and we made out on the floor of our living room. He then pulled away, eyes full of lust and need, and said into my ear, "I wanna play another game." Who knew a sentence like that could turn into one of sexual intentions. Oh yeah. Me. He then started to nibble on my ear. I let out a soft moan and he started down my neck, finding my sweet spot. When he did, he started to suck and playfully bite at it. I started to moan louder. Then he stopped. Just got up and walked away. "What the hell!?!?" I screamed. He started to giggle and continued walking. I chased after him and heard him start to run. But then I tackled him to on the bed and I started to shower him with kisses on his neck. I then looked into his eyes and said "How could you leave me hanging?" Kevin just smiled and kissed me on my lips gently. I smiled and we ended up talking till we were so tired we fell asleep.

Present day

I frowned. I wanted that back so bad. In the middle of eating I just started crying my eyes out. I was a blubbering mess. Then I said to myself, in my head, Kevin wouldn't want you like this. It sounded like he was dead, but it was all the same to me. It was as if he were dead. But this is why I was now going to go to therapy. To get him back.

I saw what time it was and I remembered I had scheduled an appointment with the therapist today. I quickly threw on nicer clothes and some shoes and ran out the door. Time to make things right.

Kevin's Pov

I regretted leaving. I missed him. But he needed to learn that I wasn't a punching bag to hit whenever he was angry. I felt the sting of tears in my eyes and I quickly wiped them away. No. I will not let him break me down I thought. I then decieded to focus on the road, but of course, my mind betrayed me. I thought of the night we had watched movies and just sat around. It was a fond memory of mine.


"Keveyyy play with meeee!" Edd whined as I sat reading a book. We had just got done with the movies and we didn't know what to do. "Ugh fine" I said smiling to show I wanted to totally play with him. He smiled and pushed me against the head board of our bed. He kissed me deeply with passion and lust. He licked my bottom lip, wishing for enterance. I opened my mouth and let him explore my mouth and I moaned slightly. He then broke the kiss, I whimpered slightly, and took off our shirts and tossed them on the ground. I looked into his lustful blue eyes and started to kiss his neck, till I found his sweet spot and sucked on it, hearing him moan. He then started to grope me, down there, and I broke away. He looked at me with disappointment and confusion as to why I stopped. "Is there something wrong?" He questioned. "No. Its just I was hoping I could save all that sexual stuff till marriage." He looked at me understandingly and pulled me in for a long hug. He whispered in my ear "Sorry". I pulled away, not breaking the hug, and looked at him. "No Edd. Don't be. Nothing like that bothers me its just like I said I wanted to save that for marriage. Its no big deal." He smiled and kissed me gently. "I love you" he said. "I love you too baby" I said to him.

Present Day

I smiled at the memory. I think the reason it is my favorite is because it was sweet how we connected and understood what we wanted. I felt tears burn my eyes but I let them fall. I wanted to turn back around and see him but I couldn't. Not unless he either 1 changed or 2 I had to move back. But I wont cave unless I have to. When I arrived at Naz's place, she and Mary were sitting on the couch quietly talking, until I came in. "Hey Kev," Naz greeted me. "Hi." I said politely. "Please sit, we must talk to you about something." Naz said. "Ok... is there something wrong." I asked with worry in my voice. " Yes there is Kevin." Naz stated. "What is it?" "We have to ask you to.... Well. You have to-" "Leave," Mary said dryly. "Y-yes Kevin. You have to leave." Naz said, Mary pulling her in close. "Why?" I asked in disbelief. "We just... Need our own space." Naz said with sadness in her voice. There was silence. The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife. "Okay," I said breaking the silence, "I'll leave." And before they could say a word I left to my room and packed my stuff. Well. Looks like I'll be staying with Edd tonight. I thought to myself. I didn't want to but there was no other way. I was not sleeping in my car again and maybe this will help him get better. I just hope everything will be okay...

I hoped you guys and gall's liked it. Took me a bit but hey. Better than nothing right? I hope it is a bit longer. I will try and update another chapter but we will see. Vote. Comment. Whatever. Just need feedback! Is that too much to ask. Well. I will see ya on the flip side my little dudes and dudets. Bye!

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