Chapter 11

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Kevin POV
   An hour later and I'm still stuck in this goddamn bathroom, still trying to figure out how to escape. The pounding on the door stopped a while ago, but I know he is is still there, waiting for me to come out which will have to be soon. I'm getting hungry and restless.
( Why hasn't he called the police? He didn't because he didn't want to draw attention to the situation... And he forgot to plug in his phone so it's percentage was low)
An idea sprung forth in my head as I was sitting on the cold white tile flooring. If I was so determined to get out of the bathroom, why hadn't I done just that? I felt confidence fill me as I slowly rose from the floor. I hesitantly unlocked the bathroom door, the cool metal giving a firm click as I unlocked it. I quietly pushed open the door and creeped out of the bathroom in my boxers and tee. I tipped toed thorough the hallway. It was eerily quiet and the air was full of tension.

I made my way down the stairs and just when I thought I was in the clear, I hear a clank from the kitchen. I gasp a bit too loudly as I reach the 2nd to last step.
"Kevin?" Edd asks.
I internally scream and run for the door. It's just across the room.
"Kevin wait!" He yells as he runs after me. I continue running, almost there, and I just barely get my finger on the handle when he grabs my torso and pulls me back. I scream as loud as I can an start to flail my arms and legs. His arms become tighter and he began to lay me down onto the couch but I dug my nails deep into his pale skin: he yelled in pain and significantly loosened his grip. I used this to my advantage and kicked him where it counted. He let go of me and doubled over in pain. I ran out the door, practically throwing it off its hinges and ran to my car. I flung open the door and found my spare key in the console. I started the car and just as I put it in reverse, I hear the front door open.
"Kev, please, wait!"
I panic and quickly back out. I nearly hit his mustang, a mailbox, and a trash can as I zoomed out of the driveway. He had ran out into the road and chased after me. I picked up speed, 30, 35, 40. I look in rear view mirror and see him stopped in the middle of the road. I felt a weight lifted off my shoulders, but spoke too soon.

When I turned my attention back to the road, a car was right in front me and when I hit the brakes, I went flying out of my seat and hit the car in front of me. My vision is blurred and I barley can keep my eyes open as I feel a sharp stinging and smell the hair raising stench of blood. The last I remember is someone yelling curses and how much pain I was in. Then I couldn't take it any longer. My eyelids fell and my body went numb. I have blacked out.

HELLO ALL!!!! Long time no see.... That is my fault though. I have been meaning to update, but I never got around to cause I am a lazy sack of bananas.( that's a thing right?) Well I will try to update sometime soon so like, comment, and all that jazz.

Hey what do you think of Kevin's accident? Leave a comment below.

Ps special thanks to cherrykiss21 for helping me out of my writers block

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