Chapter 6

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        Ok so I am pretty sure this is chapter 6. Hope u like!!!

       Edd POV

        Watching him turn the corner was the saddest part. He was actually gone. I knew this day would come. Where he couldn't take it anymore. I need to get this under control. For our relationship. For him.

        Kevin POV

        Tears streamed down my face as I left the Cul-de-Sac. It was very painful, but I knew I had to do this. He would never learn if I never did anything. I thought of the first time I saw Edd. It felt like such a long time ago.


        I looked at the house we would be living in from now on. It was a nice house, but it was surrounded by people. And they were so close. But there was no use of fighting back, I mean I am twelve. Plus, I loved where we used to stay, but my Dad got a job offer close to here and they had good schools.But, what can I do to stop my parents??? I looked over to see a bunch of kids sitting and talking on the porch of the house across the street. A certain someone caught my eye. He had a black beanie, tattered black skinny jeans and a red t- shirt. I had already determined my sexual interests by now. I starred at him for what seemed like forever. Then he looked at me. We had made eye contact for at least five seconds when I finally turned. I was so embarrassed. My mom grabbed me up and whispered, " Why don't you go say hi to all the other kids, huh? You will know more people for when you go to school in a couple days." I nodded. I walked over, very nervously, and introduced myself. "H-hello. I'm Kevin. I just moved across the street." The first to speak was a blond. She was very cute and perky. "Hi! My name is Nazz. This is Nat, Rolf, Sara, Jimmy, Ed, Eddy, and Edd." When she pointed to the boy I was starring at I froze, my heart stopped, and my breathing sped up. I think I was developing a little crush on him. He smirked. I blushed a little."W-well I guess I should go and uh help my parents. See you around." "Bye!" they all said simultaneously.

End of flashback 

I was startled by a honk and I slammed on the breakes. I had nearly hit a car! "Sorry!" I yelled to them. I really need to pull my head out and focus on what I was going to do when time came to having a place to sleep. Wait, where am I going to sleep? I thought to myself.  Ol' well... I will have to think of it later. I continued driving, this time focusing on the road.

        I know this is shorter but I will update soon. BYE!!!

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