Chapter 10

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OMG you guys!!! Chapter 10!!! This is so amazing!!! SO please, keep voting, keep reading, and I hope you guys like this chapter.


Kevin POV

That night I dreamed of us. Edd and I sitting in an opening in a forest, I'm in his arms as we stargaze the night away. It felt perfect, it felt right, it felt... real. But somehow it didn't at the same time. Like he isn't there by my side. I subsided that feeling and continued snuggling into his arms. I felt safe, shielded from the world and all it's pain and sorrow.

Suddenly, someone grabbed me from behind. I was being dragged away from Edd. "Edd!" I screamed as I tried to wriggle out of the stranger's grasp, but all Edd did was smile at me with sad eyes as he waved goodbye to me, tears evident in his eyes due to the little light of the stars. I continued struggling and fighting, trying to get away from his grasp. For some reason he has started shaking me. I struggled even more. I hear the faint calling of my name, it becomes louder with each chant. I cover my ears and try to block it out, but it only intensifies.

"Kevin!" Edd practically screams in face as I thrash around, almost slapping him. With tears blurring my vision, I stop to cling on to his waist and cry into his bare chest. He wraps his arms around me tightly, putting his face into my the crook of my neck. We sit there in bed, as I cry into his chest, muffled whimpers escaping every once in awhile.

"I'm s-sorry." "No need to be sorry pumpkin, but would you mind telling me about your nightmare? I assume this is what it's about."

"It was awful," I whimpered quietly into his chest. "Shh you don't have to tell me if you don't want to." "No, I-I need to tell you. It has something to do with you anyways." "Oh really?" I looked up and saw he was staring at me saddened eyes. He must think he caused the dream. "Oh no Edd you weren't the cause of my nightmare, I swear."I said sincerely. His expression lightened in relief. " Then what was it love?" " Well, we were sitting in a clearing in the middle of a forest, gazing at the stars-" "Now that doesn't sound too bad" he, rudely, interrupted. "Let me finish." I said sternly. He then remained silent and motioned for me to carry on. " and while we were looking at the stars, someone grabbed me from behind and dragged me away from you." Fresh tears were in my eyes, threatening to fall I continued. " A-and no m-matter how hard I t-tried, I couldn't get away f-from him."

I clung to him again and cried even harder than the last. "Shh pumpkin shh. Don't cry." He said as he began to lie back done on the bed, bringing me with him. He held onto me as I cried into his chest once more. He lifted my face up so that I was looking into his eyes. " No one and I mean no one is going to take you away from me. They would try with all their might, but the only way they'ed be able to take you away from me is if I was dead." "R-really? You mean it?" "Of course babe. I love you." He said with sincerity in his eyes. I couldn't say anything more. I could barely move, but somehow I situated myself on top of his chest and and moved my lips towards his. With each passing second our lips came closer and closer until we finally sealed them together.

The kiss felt like our first. It was full of want, desire, and so much electricity it could have powered a house. At first it was a simple, plain kiss but when he tried to pull away I bit his bottom lip and he gasped. I took this chance to slip my tongue in and deepen the kiss. He moaned, and fought against my tongue for dominance. He won and started to feel around my mouth. I moaned quietly as he flipped me over and hovered over me. I ran my hand up his shirt and felt his abs. He moaned and started to make the kiss a bit rough. A little too rough.

I pushed at his chest to get him off of me but he continued with his rough affection. His body started to press against mine in a very sexual manner. All I wanted was a little make out session, not sex with clothes on! "Edd" I said as a signal to get off but it came out as a moan and he continued on his make out rampage. "Edd!" I said again this time with a more stern tone. But he continued. He was starting to buck his hips and press his "area" against mine. With one hard push on to his chest I finally shoved him off. "EDD!" I looked into his eyes regret and sadness being replaced by anger. He grabbed my shoulders and shook me a little as he spoke. "What's wrong huh? Am I not good enough for you huh? Huh?" He spoke with so much anger that it frightened me just to be in his presence. "No Edd! I mean your good enough for me it's just you were getting a little rough and I wanted to stop." "Oh is that it? You wanna see rough, I'll show you rough." He slammed me onto the bed and slammed his lips on mine and kissed so hard that it wasn't filled with pleasure but pain. "Edd-stop!!" I said between breaths. He only went harder and pressed all his weight against me. "Ow stop!" "Aww pumpkin we're just getting started." He said with a devious smile. He then be began to take off my shirt and his shirt. "Edd stop!" He continued ignoring my demands and started to suck on my neck. I don't understand it. How could such a sweet guy go to this within a matter of seconds. I moaned and moaned as he sucked on my sweet spot. Definitely leaving a hickey. Finally I positioned my knee just right and slammed it into his member as hard I could. He toppled over in pain and fell off the bed. I took this opportunity and grabbed my phone off the dresser and ran down the hallway. He got up as soon as I grabbed my phone and chased me till I reached the bathroom and locked the door. He pounded on the door and screamed at me to unlock the door. I sat on floor pressing my back against the wall opposite of the door and cried. I don't know how I will ever get out of this one.

Hey guys! So how was it? Better? I hope so. I did part of this on a phone so excuse typos and such. Till next time peeps! Btw don't forget to vote and comment and such. Thanks! :)

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