Chapter 5

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Hello guys. I am going to try a time skip and see how dat goes. Hope you like!!!

1 year later

       Edd POV

        I have dated Kevin for a year now. He had moved in with me in that short period of time, due to his parents disowning him for being gay. I felt we loved each other so unconditionally that we could never leave each other... But there was one slight problem. I had the ability to... Rage on the people I care about very easily. And half the time I didn't even know I did it! I know one day Kevin won't be able to take my temper anymore. I need to get it under control.

        Kevin POV

        Yes, Edd had a temper quite his own but... I still love him. Sadly, I don't think I can handle this pain mentally and physically. Every week I would arrive to college with a new bruise on me. I tried to cover them, but the makeup would wash off. I stay up, sometimes nights on end, about thinking of what will happen if I leave and what will happen if I stay. Right now, I don't know what to do. I guess I will have to see. 

         Edd has not beaten me in a while so I thought he was better. I had gone to the jewelers and bought a ring for him. I was going to propose. I didn't know how, I didn't know when, but it will happen. I had a feeling it would be soon.

         I had decided to go over to Nazz's so she could help me dress. I decided it will be today. I had bought the ring months ago. Time to pop the question.

        Edd POV

        Kevin was never this late coming home. I was getting worried. I looked at he clock. 10:05. Huff... He will be here soon Edd. Don't worry. My fists were in a ball and as white as snow. Where ever he is, who ever he is with, he had better know he will be getting questioning from me. I looked at the clock again after doing little house chores. 10:20. 

        Kevin POV

        I walked into the house and saw Edd come charging at me with the meanest, most cruelest look I had ever seen. "Where have you been?!? I have been worried sick!" "I was at Nazz's" I said in a meek voice cowering before my boyfriend. "Doing what?!" he practically screamed. "I... I can't tell you." He reared back his fist and went straight for my face. This was going to leave a mark. As his fist connected to my face I could see blood fly. Yep. He busted my lip... "What were you doing?!?!" His face red with anger as he screamed in my face. "Nothing!" I screamed back just as loud. He punched me again. "Bullshit! You were doing something! Now tell me!" I looked at him with the most calmest look ever. He was obviously astounded at my quick mood change. I then took that chance to speed walk upstairs and go in to our room. I got out my suitcase I had packed for emergencies. "What the hell do you think you are doing?!?!" he screamed. "I am leaving. And uh this for you." I tossed him the ring box and walked past him. He looked in the box and his face immediately softened. " Oh my gosh Kevin I-" "NO! Don't apologize! It is way too late for that shit!" I said tears streaming down my face, " I can't take it. Maybe if you went to a therapist and controlled your anger I could marry you but not at this state." I grabbed my car keys and headed for the door. "Kevin wait-" "No Edd! I told you. I can't take it. When you go to a therapist and calm your anger down, call me, but right now... I need to go." I opened the door and went to my car. I got in and started the engine, Edd coming out trying to stop me. "Kevin please look, I am sorry, please just give me one more chance please!" I looked in to his eyes and saw true sadness but I wasn't falling for it. I need to see him change before I can be with him. If I cave in now he will be ack at it next week." Edd if you get your anger under control I will come back but until then... I have to leave." I shut my door and drove off. Looking in the rear view mirror with tear filled eyes as I saw Edd standing in the driveway, tears streaming down his face. 

        OMG... Does anyone think their song should be Clariety by Zedd?... No... Just me? OK.. Hope you guys liked it.


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