Chapter 9 - She's back and so is He

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She's back and so is He:


"Fuck!" Damon screamed, punching the wall, and kicking the tables; taking his anger out on anything that he could, seeing as Stefan was yet to come back around from Damon snapping his neck for the second time that day. "That bitch!" Damon found himself grabbing for a bourbon glass and throwing it at the only wall that didn't have a hole in it at this point in time but judging by his anger, it wouldn't be long before there was. He pulled his phone out and called the one person he knew would be able to help him. "Damon," Alaric said on the other end of the phone when he answered. "I've been wondering where you are." He admitted. "It's been a while."

"Emergency." Damon Said. "Boarding House. Now." Before Alaric could respond. Damon had hung up the phone.  He ran his fingers through his hair, his breathing was rapid; this was all too much but he had to remain strong and stable; he had to get (Y/n) back. Thoughts of Katherine holding onto her raced through his mind. "You have something I want." What did Katherine want?"

"Stefan..."He muttered to himself as he ran back down to the cell where he was currently holding Stefan. "What did you hide?" Damon screamed through the bars to Stefan who looked at him wondering what the hell was going on. "Answer me!" By now, Damon was pulling on the bars. 

"I don't know what you're talking about!"Stefan replied. "So, can you calm down and tell me what the hell is going on?!"

"It's Katherine," Damon said and watched as Stefan's eyebrows raise up. "Katherine's back." Stefan came up to the bars and studied Damon's face. "That's a sick joke, brother." He said, shaking his head. "I thought that you were better than that."

"It's not a joke." Damon insisted, feeling himself getting more annoyed which he did not think was possible at this point. "It clearly is," Stefan said, walking around his cell. "You're annoyed with me for what happened with (Y/n), so you are making up some ridiculous lie about Katherine. We both know that she is in the tomb where you left her." He turned and pointed at Damon. "That is a low blow." 

Damon put his hands up to his face and took a deep breath; it was taking everything he had in his to compose himself. "Stefan, I am not messing with you. Katherine is out, roaming the streets of Mystic Falls with (Y/n)." Stefan looked at Damon, studying his face once more. 

"She's out?" Stefan said. "Katherine has (Y/n)." For a second, Damon thought that Stefan believed him but instead he started laughing. "Yeah, right." 

"Katherine won't give her back until we give her what she wants," Damon explained. "At first, I thought it was you that she wanted, but there's something in the house that she wants. Do you know what it could be?"

"No," Stefan said, before turning it back to himself. "What makes you think she wouldn't want me?"

"Please, she doesn't care about anyone but herself." Damon reminded him. "Besides, you're a dick, especially when you've flipped the switch." 

"Arsehole," Stefan muttered. "I still don't believe you."

"Do you know what? Screw you, I'll find her myself." Damon spat, turning to go back up the stairs to try and find what Katherine wanted. He had no idea where he was going to start, but Stefan's room would be a start. Stefan associated with Katherine more than he did; pined for her more. Damon wasn't stupid enough to see that she was using him in the end, however, Stefan was too unfortunate not to see that yet after all these years. "Not so fast, Salvatore." A familiar voice said. 

"You've got to be kidding me," Stefan said. "You were right."

"I know I was bloody right," Damon replied as Katherine walked into the light. Damon slammed her against the wall. "Damon, please! You have a girlfriend." 

"Where is she?" Damon asked, ignoring her. His face went red with anger. "What have you done to her?" Katherine pushed him off of her. 

"Don't worry." She reassured him. "Your precious cargo is safe, for now, that is." Katherine bit down on her lip and she walked over to Stefan's cell. "I just came to see the baby Salvatore brother. I thought I'd pay him a little visit." 

"Still obsessed with me, I see." Stefan teased, winking at Katherine through the bars of his cell. She rolled her eyes at his remark. "You're joking right?" She asked, laughing. "Damon's already figured it out, Stefan, so when are you going to?" Stefan looked at her, waiting for her to continue. "I never loved you. I was merely playing you against each other. I like seeing two brothers fighting." She admitted, looking at Damon who remained with his fists clenched. 

"Damon, what the hell-" Alaric came in and looked at Katherine. "Is that who I think it is?" 

"It is, my friend." He said. "The wicked bitch is back."  Katherine tutted as Damon gave her a fake smile. "Now, Damon, where are your manners?"

"You don't deserve my manners. You've just stolen my girlfriend." Damon said, getting close to her. "So, where is (Y/n)? What do you want from us? Why are you not in the tomb where we left you?"

"All this will be answered in good time." Katherine smiled. "I just want the cure." She winked. "Good day, gentleman." Katherine disappeared before Damon could gab her. He would rather that she was in the cell than Stefan at this point. "What the hell just happened?" Alaric asked.

"Katherine stole (Y/n) and won't give her back-"

"Till she gets the cure," Stefan said, looking at Damon. "Let's go get (Y/n) back." He said, with a determined twinkle in his eye. "Are you-" Damon began.

"Back?" Stefan smiled. "I am."

"Can someone tell me what's going on?" Alaric asked, feeling left out. 

"Stefan's put his humanity back on." Damon smiled, opening the cell. For the first time in a long time, he hugged Stefan and had never been so glad you see him. "Hearing her tell me that she never loved me changed me for the better, brother," Stefan admitted.

"That's great and everything, but what's the cure?" Alaric asked. "What is Katherine on about?" Damon wasn't sure, so looked at Stefan for the answer. "She wants the cure for vampirism."

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