Chapter 3 - Who's your friend?

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Who's Your Friend?:


(Y/n) awoke and found herself wrapped in between the bed sheets that allowed her to be warm. Not fully awake yet, she stretched in the bed, feeling around it before she shot up, taking the sheets with her as she realised that this wasn't her bed at all. She looked around the room, rubbing at her eyes in order to try and remove the sleep from them. It took her a few moments to realise where she was, and what had happened the night before. She'd met a lovely person, Damon, who had offered her a room until she was able to get back onto her feet. (Y/n), even now, was unable to believe what had happened, and the kindness, the generosity, that Damon had shown her. What did I do to deserve this? She wondered. She clambered out of bed and looked around the room. It looked nothing like her room at home, which had shelves stacked with textbooks, trophies, and rosettes. She liked this one a lot better, and for the first time in a long time, she had woken without a sense of dread for the day ahead. She looked down to see that she was still wearing one of Damon's shirts as he had offered her one when she realised that she had nothing to wear. All she knew was that she desperately needed to get a shower as the smell of rainwater still clung to her, even now. However, she didn't want to just jump into the shower, not without Damon's permission at least. She didn't feel comfortable just helping herself in a stranger's home. She opened the door to her bedroom and went exploring, trying to find Damon. She passed several closed doors on her journey. She placed her ear to every door, listening out for the sound of life in each room before she reached a door that had been left ajar at the end of the hallway. She peered inside to see Damon, stretched across his bed, one arm behind his head to support it, whilst he held a book in the other. (Y/n) knocked on the door, and when Damon looked up, she opened it a little bit more. "Morning." He smiled, as she stood in the doorway.

"Morning." She replied. "You don't mind if I grab a shower, do you?" She asked him.

"Of course not. I've told you, what's mine is yours." He stopped. "There should be some towels and soap in your en-suite. If not, I'll get you some. Would you like a drink?"

"Please, if you're making one." She smiled.

"I'll bring it up for you." He smiled before she thanked him once more and headed for a shower. The feel of hot water on her skin made her smile. She allowed the water to hit her body as she placed herself in it. Whilst she had experienced hot showers before, they were never like this. This was the type of shower that she would happily stay in all day. She washed her hair while she was in there; that too stank of rainwater. When she got out, she wrapped a towel around her body, used a smaller one to dry her hair, and headed back into the room to get dressed. She picked out her clothes, and lay them out on the bed, before turning to the full-length mirror that stood in the corner of her room. She continued to dry her hair before she saw the figure of a man, a man that she didn't know, standing in the doorway. She jumped a mile, turning around to face him, clutching at the towel that was wrapped around her. "You're new." The man said, his eyes were wide and dark. "And who might you be?" He added. (Y/n) remained silent for a second. "I'm (Y/n)" She managed eventually but before the man was able to say anything else, they both heard someone else speak.

"You've got to be freaking kidding me." Damon was stood behind the man, holding a drink for (Y/n). He pushed past him to hand the drink to her before standing in front of the other guy "What the hell are you doing here, Stefan?" He asked, folding his arms, trying to hide his annoyance, but it wasn't really working.

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