Chapter 15 - Eternity

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"I want you to turn me." Damon didn't say anything, instead, he just stared at her awe. Silence. "I want you to turn me into a vampire."



Silence. The silence between the pair of them seemed to last for hours as he stared at (Y/n), trying to process what she had told him and what response he could come up with. "You want me to what?" Was all he eventually managed to ask (Y/n); his eyes were wide open in shock. 

"I want you to turn me." (Y/n) repeated. "I want to be a vampire, Damon." He continued to stare at (Y/n) for a few moments before he started laughing and took a deep breathe, pointing at you. "Good one." He smiled. "That was so convincing, I almost believed you." He told (Y/n) but she could still hear the nervousness in his voice.

"I'm serious, Damon." (Y/n) told him as she watched him walk towards the fireplace and take a big gulp of his drink. When he didn't say anything, but just stood there shaking his head, (Y/n) stood up and walked over to him. She placed her hand on his arm. "Damon, I've thought this through and I want this. I want you but I can't be with you if I'm not a vampire." She took his hand in hers. "I need you to do this."

"I don't think you have thought this through," Damon replied, placing his now empty glass on top of the fireplace and looking at (Y/n). "I'm not doing it." He said, attempting to stand his ground, as much as it hurt him to do. 

"Why not?"

 "(Y/n), I refuse to be responsible for turning my girlfriend, who is the love of my life, into a raging, psychotic killer. You don't deserve this life, baby. Believe me when I tell you it's hell."

"But I don't care about any of that if it means that I can be with you-" He cut (Y/n) off as he was pouring himself another drink of bourbon. "No! (Y/n), it's simply too risky. I cannot guarantee your safety. Anything could happen to you and I won't be able to live with myself if you got hurt, or worse, if you died, in the process."

"But you could help me through it all!" (Y/n), desperate to convince him that this was a good idea. "You can help me through the transition, and teach me how to deal with the cravings. Only then, we can truly be together!" (Y/n) begged him, her face stained with tears as she began running out of arguments. "I want to spend eternity with you."

"What if it all gets too much?" He questioned. "What if you cannot cope with the fact that you will have killed people, innocent people, in desperate times, in order to have survived? What if that causes you to flip the switch as Stefan did?" He stopped. "What would I do then?" He asked, drinking the bourbon in his glass straight. "I'm sorry, but I can't do it. I refuse to do it." He kissed (Y/n) and when he pulled away, she began crying. 

"I can't lose you. Damon, I can't live without you." He ran his fingers through (Y/n)'s hair as her head rested on his shoulder. Damon thought for a moment. "I can't live without you either. I love you." He said, his eyes widening. "I can't let you go." He said out loud, his breathing was short.

(Y/n) watched as he raised his wrist to his mouth and bit into his skin, drawing blood. "Do you mean-?"

"I can't lose you." He repeated. "I'll turn you if that's what you still want." (Y/n) smiled widely, her chest going up and down in excitement as her breathing got heavier out of disbelief. "I do." 

Damon nodded and allowed her to drink from his wrist. (Y/n) coughed at the taste of someone's blood in her mouth. The pair of them stood up. "Is this going to work?" (Y/n) asked, nervously. Suddenly, the fear of knowing that you were going to die in the next few seconds was scarier than never knowing when death was going to take her. "It works every time," Damon reassured her as he placed his hands on her neck. "I love you." He reminded her, closing his eyes. If he didn't look at her, it would certainly be easier to kill her.

"I love you too, Damon." She replied as she closed her eyes too. Everything went black. Damon snapped her neck and she fell to the floor. "What the hell are you doing?" Stefan asked as he and Alaric came back in the room. "I killed her," Damon said, crouching down and holding in his arms. 


"She asked me to," Damon said, stroking her head. "This way we can be together, forever." Damon took a moment to look at Stefan. "Get me a blood bag." He ordered. "She's going to need it when she wakes up." Stefan hesitated for a moment, but eventually agreed, knowing that it was too late for him to do anything now. If Damon had fed (Y/n) his blood then killed her, she was definitely going to become one of them. 

Alaric had nothing to say on the matter, so instead, he watched as Damon looked lovingly at (Y/n). This was the first time that Alaric had ever seen Damon like this about anyone. Damon ran his fingers through (Y/n)'s hair as he waited for her to wake up; it was almost like he was oblivious to the dead body in his arms. "We're finally going to be together." He smiled as her as she suddenly began slowly moving in his arms. "(Y/n)?" He asked as he watched her opening her eyes. "Damon?" She moaned, still trying to come around. 

At this moment, Stefan returned to the room holding a blood bag that he had retrieved from the refrigerator in the basement. "How is she?" He asked handing Damon the blood bag as Damon held his hand out for it. "She will be." He said, giving (Y/n) a small smile. "Damon," She muttered again. "It worked!" 

"It did, baby." Damon smiled, holding the blood bag out for her. "Save your strength and drink up." He watched at (Y/n) placed the blood bag in her mouth and drank. "I promise to give you the greatest eternity any vampire has ever had." 

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