Chapter 12 - The Tomb

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The Tomb:


"Where's the one place we thought we'd never have to go back?" Damon thought about this for a minute and felt his heart drop in his chest. "Katherine's tomb." He said. "(Y/n)'s at the tomb."


Katherine's tomb was halfway across town in the middle of the woods. When Stefan and Damon had created it, they had needed it to be out of the way, where no-one would ever find it. Damon had never dreamed that he'd be back here again. He had assumed that after they had placed Katherine in her tomb where she belongs, he'd never have to think about her or return to this godforsaken part of Mystic Falls ever again; oh how wrong he had been. 

It was worth it in his eyes and tonight, he had one goal, to get (Y/n) back, safe and sound in his arms in one piece away from Katherine's evil antics. He wasn't sure how she would be with him once the rescue had been over with but having her back safe was all he cared about at this moment. 

He looked down at the vial containing the sure that sat in the box he was holding and a crazy thought crossed his mind. His whole life, his mind had been filled with crazy ideas but they usually included killing people but this particular thought was probably his craziest of them all. 

"Are you thinking about (Y/n)?" Alaric asked, causing Damon to shoot him a look out of the corner of his eye. "Stupid question," Alaric said, eventually. "Of course you're thinking about her. Don't worry, we'll get her back." 

"I know we will." Damon smiled, desperate to see (Y/n) again. "And we're getting Katherine in the process." He added, determined as he looked back at the vial of red liquid. 

"So what do we do about that?" Alaric asked, pointing at the vial.

"I'm going to take it," Damon said, matter of factly. 

"You're what?!" Alaric asked again in order to make sure that he had heard Damon correctly. "I'm taking the cure for myself," Damon repeated. "There is no way in hell, I am letting that psychotic bitch have it."

"Does Stefan know?"

"No." Damon stated but he'll know about it when I take it."

"Don't you want to know what he thinks about this?" Alaric asked worrying about how Stefan would react. "Not particularly," Damon admitted. "Besides, I am ninety-nine per cent sure that he will try and stop me, but I want this, Alaric." He stopped in his tracks and looked at Alaric seriously. "I want to be with her." Alaric took this in before smiling. 

"I'm your friend, I support you no matter what." Damon nodded. It felt nice to know that someone was there to support him. He knew that overtime Stefan would, but right now Damon didn't need Stefan to be lecturing him about jumping the gun. He simply wanted to find (Y/n), get rid of Katherine and live out the rest of his life with the woman that he loved. 


"Okay, we're here," Stefan said, turning back to look at Damon and Alaric.  "Do we all know the plan?" He asked Damon handed Alaric the box. "I trust you can take care of that." He said, and Alaric nodded.  "We go in there, and do what we need to do," Damon added. 

"Save (Y/n) and put Katherine where she belongs," Stefan said, going over it all in his head.

"Exactly, brother," Damon replied. "The tomb. Let's do this." 

The three of them crept up to the entrance to the tomb. Damon spotted (Y/n) immediately. She was passed out in the corner with blood dripping from her neck. "(Y/n)," Damon whispered as he turned his attention back to Katherine who was pacing up and down nervously. Eventually, she walked up to (Y/n). "Looks like your boyfriend isn't coming." She smiled. "Oh well, looks like I'll just have to kill you as punishment." 

"I don't think so," Damon said out loud, approaching Katherine with Stefan and Alaric by his side. "Ah, you're here. Finally." 

"Get away from her." He stated as he watched Katherine pick (Y/n) up and place a blade next to her neck. "She's out for the count now but when she wakes up, she'll be in there all alone and in the dark."

"Get your hands off her, Katherine!" Damon screamed, holding his hands up. He tried to keep his breathing steady but he was finding it a struggle as he watched (Y/n) struggled in Katherine's arm. It gave him a strange sense of de Ja Vu as he remembered the moments before Katherin took (Y/n) in the first place. "Or what?" Katherine laughed sadistically, pointing (Y/n) into the open archway of her tomb. "Or you don't get what you've all along!" Stefan said, taking the box from Alaric's hands and opening it to expose the cure. 

"Now!" Alaric shouted as he ran towards Katherine, taking her by surprise and knocking her into the wall. "(Y/n)!" Damon shouted, running towards her and lifting her up into her arms. Her body was limp like she had been heavily sedated. Damon moved a strand of her hair to reveal that bite marks that Katherine had left along with dry blood. "I want that cure!" Katherine screamed and Alaric shot her in the leg with a stake that had been laced with Vervain. She yelled out in pain and Damon watched as Stefan threw the vial at the wall. It smashed and the liquid poured out.

"No!" He screamed as he watched his final chance at human life get destroyed right in front of his eyes. He had no idea what he was going to do now. Katherine screamed at Stefan: "What the hell are you doing? That's mine!"

"Not anymore," Stefan replied as Alaric looked at Damon for further instructions. 

"Put her where she belongs." Damon spat as Stefan and Alaric picked Katherine up. She began kicking and screaming the best that she could but she was unable to pull out the stake due to the vervain. "What are you doing?" She screamed as she realised where they were taking her. "Please! Please don't do this." She looked at Stefan. "Please Stefan. I'm begging you. Don't send me in there all alone."

"You should have thought about that before you messed with us and stole my brother's girl." He said, nodding at Alaric, who together, threw Katherine into the tomb, closing the door behind her. Her screams continued to echo. "And throw away the fucking key," Damon said, smiling faintly at Alaric and Stefan. He looked back at (Y/n) who remained passed out, but alive, in his arms. "Let's get you home." He whispered, planting a kiss on her forehead.

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