Chapter 2 - The Story

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The Story:


Damon didn't push (Y/n) or pressure her in any way in to talking about what was going on, or what had happened that had caused her to run away. He respected that she probably wasn't ready to talk about it, or in fact didn't necessarily feel comfortable telling someone that she had only just met the story of her life and then expecting him to take the weight of the world from off of her shoulders. He just wanted her to know that he was there for her if, and when, she wanted to, or needed to talk about anything, despite the fact that they'd only just met. 

To everyone else, Damon was the bad guy, who didn't care about anyone but himself. However, no-one had cared to look past his cold exterior to see someone who was capable of feeling emotions, who was capable of hurting, and capable of caring. The only reason that he had spent so much of his life hiding his true emotions was that he was afraid of getting hurt again; he was afraid of feeling pain again. 


"I just couldn't stay there anymore," (Y/n) said eventually, not looking up from her drink as it remained in her hands, warming them up. "I couldn't take the pain anymore." She added. Damon gave a small nod, showing that he understood before he spoke. "Did your parents ever hurt you?" He asked as his noticed searched the skin that he could see for any bruises or scars. (Y/n) took a deep breath in and closed her eyes. "Physically?" She asked. "Not really, although my sister did slap me once or twice. Mentally, they damaged me for life." She couldn't help but feel ashamed. She had never told anyone this and was worried that he, or anyone else, may judge her for it, for her circumstances. "You don't need to feel ashamed, or embarrassed." He told her, as though he was able to read her thoughts, taking her by surprise. "Have you told anyone else?" He asked. When she shook her head in reply, he couldn't help but feel sorry for (Y/n). It made him sad to think that she had suffered in silence for so long without having anyone to turn to, having no-one by her side. Although, he couldn't help but feel a little bit honoured that she had trusted him, a stranger, with this information. "They constantly tell me that I'm not good enough. My sister is the perfect one, and I'll never amount to anything, because I'm nothing like her." (Y/n) told him as he sat and listened, reminding her once more that this was a non-judgemental, and safe place. "Especially when they fight, usually when my school report isn't as good as it should be." She held back the tears as images of her parents screaming at her flooded her mind. Damon nodded, clearly understanding, and (Y/n) couldn't help but wonder if he had been through a similar thing himself; there is no way that this could be understanding. It was only now as (Y/n) was staring, wondering, at the bright-blue eyed male in front of her that she noticed how handsome he was. 

"I remember once my mother threw bottles at the wall, at me. She had had too much to drink that night. I had to wear my shoes inside because I was likely to stand on broken glass otherwise." She said. Tears formed in her eyes as she remembered it all. "I didn't mean to fail those classes." She sobbed. "There was so much going on that I couldn't tell anyone about because they would have been only more disappointed in me." Damon went and sat next to her.  "Listen, (Y/n), I want you to know that this isn't your fault," Damon told her; in his presence, (Y/n) felt wanted, more than she had ever done in her entire life. "You shouldn't blame yourself for the fact that you're parents are stupid, especially if they can't see how wonderful their daughter is, just the way she is." (Y/n) felt herself blushing but when she went to ask him why he was saying all of this and being nice to her, he told her the reason. "Look, I know what you're going to say, but everything I have just said is the truth. You are wonderful, even though you don't see it. This isn't your fault, but I promise you, that life will get better eventually. By you getting rid of this A person, it is just the start of an great life." (Y/n) smiled at Damon, touched by his kind words. "And you-" He continued, pointing his finger at her. "are going to make something amazing of your life and going to amazing things."


The two of them continued to talk for the rest of the day. (Y/n) had managed to find some funny stories about moments of her life, and Damon the same. Damon didn't want to see her go; he knew that it was selfish of him but he wanted her to stay with him. "Well, I really appreciate everything that you've done for me today," (Y/n) told him as he ran her thin fingers through her dark hair. "But, I really should be going. I don't want to waste any more of your time." She began to stand up and Damon copied her. "You don't have to go." He offered. "There are 6 bedrooms in this house, you can stay in one if you like, you know, until you get back on your feet or something." (Y/n) stuttered, trying to find an answer, whilst Damon cursed to himself under his breath. Idiot. He muttered. You look like a right idiot. (Y/n) thought about his offer for a moment and looked outside the window, it was still pouring down with rain. "I wouldn't want to be any bother, besides I have no way to pay you or anything."

"You don't need to pay me," Damon told her, his genuine tone of voice was still there. "As well, it'd keep me company." (Y/n) smiled. "Okay then." Damon nodded as he took her bag. "I'll show you to your room." He said as she followed him out of the living room and up the large stair case that sat by the front door. They walked down the hallway side by side as (Y/n) asked; "Do you really live here alone?" She couldn't help but be curious about this mysterious man, Damon Salvatore, and about his life. He knew about hers, so it was justified that she wanted to know about his. "Here we go," Damon said, as he opened the door to expose a huge room that contained a large double bed, a huge window, and window seat, along with an en-suite bathroom. He placed her bag on the bed. "My room is just down the hall if you need me, and please, help yourself to anything." He started walking towards the door. "What's mine is yours." He told her. "Thank you, Damon. Really." (Y/n) said before Damon shut the door. "Goodnight." She added.

"Goodnight." With that Damon closed the door, leaving (Y/n) to wonder how the hell her luck had changed this way. 

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