A Different Role--16

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I had thought that the three main meals of the day were torture, but I was wrong.

This was.

I suppose that it isn't really torture, but it's pretty bad. Almost every second of the day is filled with various classes, such as manners and the proper way to eat. One of the worst parts is rarely getting the chance to see Ivan, or have a nice conversation with Evangeline. The classes continue endlessly, and are eroding what is left of my patience. Another thing is that the females that I had despised now adored me. I wonder why...

My favorite part of the day was dancing, because it was the easiest. Therefore there will be less time learning how to dancing, and more time for things that I actually stumble on. Which means I get to sit at a table, and eat the whole entire day. I didn't know what spoon to use for dessert, what fork to use for meat, how to cut properly, hell I even was stirring my tea wrong. I tend to slouch in my chair while eating, something Lady Stella pressed me on. Then finally I did something somewhat correctly, and she seemed pleased.

After that I had to get fitted for a gown for the ball. Every part of my body was measured, and to measure accurately, I had to take my clothes off. I found it utterly embarrassing. I wanted to see how my gown would look like, but had been told repeatedly that it would be bad luck to do so.

The one thing that I disliked the most was how everyone treated me now. Before I was a nobody, but now I'm suddenly the golden child. The servants barely speak to me; even Helga is eerily silent. I was going beserk. My chances at going back to Earth were withering, and my hope with it. All I can say is that Michael better be at this ball, which takes place tomorrow night.

The palace looks simply incredible. Everyone is preparing for the ball, and there seems to be a constant roll of commotion. It calmed some of my nerves, and made me feel more at home, but it seemed to have the opposite effect on some of the other maidens. They constantly complained that all of the noise was giving them a migraine, which started to give me one. 

The new room is about four to five times the size of the previous one, and was beyond luxorious. Behind the empty space, and polished floor, the room seemed to be a foreign area. It was a room that needed a lot of time to get attached to. The size of everything in the room was doubled, making me feel smaller. Everything was so new, so different, and made me homesick to a place that isn't even my home. 


The Day of the Royal Ball

My eyes fluttered when I heard a knock on the door. A few moments later the door swung open, and a few ladies walked over to the bed to wake me up.

"If you would wake up, there are still plenty of things we must do in order for you to be ready for the ball..."

I sat up, and then climbed out of bed, which took longer than it had to. I was put into a temporary dress, and had a dream make over.

Someone painted my nails, and combed through my hair, gave my hair a few layers, moisturized my face, etc cetra. A special type of lotion was applied to give me baby-soft skin, and a few dashes of makeup were applied.

At the end of the make over I didn't feel like myself, and in truth, I wasn't. As soon as I stepped in Ourne I became a different person with a different past. I'm hoping to be Violett again, because Scarlett remains a stranger. No matter how much someone will tell me what my real name is, it will not be the name that I will forever be attached to. It will not be the first word that pops into my head when someone asks "What is your name?" I am Violett, and that is that.

I wanted to help decorate the palace, or create somesort of positive impact, but everyone I asked politely declined my offer. Just because I have royal blood does not mean that you should treat me differently than before. Everyone here thinks that they're being polite by declining my offers, but instead they are being foolish. I desire to help, but they will not allow it. 

I could not wait for the ball, therefore the day went by rather slowly. I heard that the ball will begin at 8 pm, but am not positive, because it wasn't directly stated toward me. My eyes craved to glare at the clock, but I knew that such actions will only make the time more painful to bare.

Then finally a young servant fetched me, and told me that it was time for me to put on the gown for the ball. I was thrilled, and attempted to locate Misstress Roslyn's fitting area.

After a few wrong turns, and retracing a few steps, I finally found it. I felt a bit of pride in knowing that my sense of direction might not totally be lost. When I was about to knock, the door swung open as if it knew I was there. Roslyn smiled at me, and I couldn't help noticing how there were circles of wrinkles surrounding that dazzeling grin. He teeth were tinted yellow, probably from too much tea, but remained perfectly straight. Her white hair was put into a slick bun, with every strang of aged hair put into place. Roslyn's glasses perched on her nose, but was tilted forward, and lower than they should be.

She looked above her glasses, "You're dress just arrived, now before you're dressed, its tradition to cover your eyes with this fabric. We must save your first expression on it for the ball. Now, if you haven't noticed, you're here a few hours early. This is because during this period the palace undergoes huge transformations. We would all like you to be pleased and surprised when you step foot down there."

My eagerness vanished; I had been looking forward to seeing the dress. Not to get fitted in it without seeing what it looks like! I disliked the idea, and told her so, but she brushed me off, and mumbled ''tradition..''

Her cold, wrinkled hands touched my warm face briefly to tie on the expensive red fabric. I sighed, and tried not to be afraid of loosing my sight. I don't really like the dark, but I do like how the stars and moon glow in it. I suppose that there is a positive for every negative, if you're willing to look for it.

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