~Chapter 5

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To my surprise, I wasn't embarrassed to find a stranger staring at us... Well..

maybe a little. Smidgen. I really wasn't expecting someone to find us here, the way we were. With such a small distance between my body and his. To tell you the truth, I really wasn't thinking at all. I also wasn't expecting Michael to know the stranger who walked in. You want to know what else comes up on the list of the unexpected? Michael yanked me up, and ran full speed to the door, but the stranger stopped him. She was a female with long golden hair, rectangular body, and tan arms. She reminded me of an earlier version of Ashley Tisdale. "Penny. Please."

Michael stared at the girl, but she kept the door close by leaning on it. Her cleavage was clearly shown, but one of the things that I like about Michael is, that he really doesn't care. Ugly, hot, average, no matter what your appearance is, he'll look past that. 'Penny' smiled, and took a step closer to Michael, still guarding the door. "You know the rules, Michael." I wondered what rules she could be talking about. How did Michael even know her? I would have remembered that face if she'd went to my school. Its a face I would effortlessly hate, but couldn't possibly hate more than Mango's. "So do you. Matter-of-fact you just broke one right now. This.." He waved a hand towards me, "I'm her laoch." I shot them both confused glances, willing one of them to explain. Penny looked at me with bitterness. "And she's your refugee.. How romantic."  Michael rose an eyebrow, and tilted his head knowingly. "You just dug yourself a deeper grave. You should have stayed away, you and your mouth. Now you'll get assassinated."  Penny blinked slowly in a way that made me jealous, though I cannot pin point why. Its probably because she looked so..confident in every movement, every twitch, every word. Me? Not so much. "The same fate for you, my dear. Once I report it." Michael gave a small smile, but it seemed somewhat...forced. "You report me, and I you. Ends badly for everyone. How about we forget this never happened?"

My heart lurched. Forget this day ever happened? Forget that we'd seen 'Penny'? What is it we are forgetting? I hoped that he wouldn't want to forget anything. I surely won't. Maybe...maybe his feelings aren't similar to mine at all. Penny leaned on her left leg, causing her body to lean in one direction. "You know I can't do that. Made an oath, you know? The one you seemed to have forgotten?" Michael growled. "You don't care if you get yourself in trouble. All that matters if that if you go down, you take someone with you." A smiled played at her lips. "See how well he knows me? Practically born together." I didn't know what to say to that. Michael's jaw was slightly off, a signal that he was getting annoyed.Look, I spent hours trying to get him mad, annoyed even, but epicaly failed. Now were on the 3rd minute of this conversation, and Michael looks like one seriously unhappy camper. This Penny has got some serious attitude. The girl let a smile spread across her face.

"He's not even going to deny it." She said in an even tone, as if that were a well known fact. Michael licked his lips. "C'mon. Let us through." Penny tried to look serious. "Under the name of the law, you're under arrest." Her voice sounded firm, but she ought to be joking. Who is she, some FBI agent? With no warning, Michael pushed Penny to the side, and I automatically followed his lead. I really wouldn't expect Michael to physically hurt a girl in any way, but it appears that I don't know much about him anymore. Its a shame really.   We ran out of the YMCA, with the constant footsteps behind us. Penny is catching up. I jumped into the car, and Michael hit the gas pedal before I even closed the door.   Silence rang in the air, now something I'm familiar with, but my mind on the other hand, was not so fortunate. All of the questions I had ever created bombed my brain, and I could feel the fragments falling apart. I tried to remain calm, and spoke carefully. "Michael." I let his name drag. "Could you explain to me what just happened?"     

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