Chapter 01

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Finally, it's 6th year. One more year before I leave this hell hole of a school called Hogwarts.

"Jinx, hurry and eat. We're going to be late." My only friend, Severus, stated as he stood up.

It's the first day of classes.

"Right, because we've always been on time." I replied sarcastically as I rolled my eyes.

But I did end up finishing my food faster before we rushed out of the Great Hall and to Potions with Slughorn. That man was mad. As in: bonkers. He had this club called "Slug Club" for the best students in his potions classes. He asked me to join, but I refused the offer. Severus on the other hand, immediately joined. He left the club though because he didn't want to see Lily Evans.

"You know, I still can't believe what you said to her last year." I sighed as we took our seats in the front of the class, next to Lily and her friend Alice.

"You know it was true though." He replied with a sneer.

"I also know it's true for you too." I whispered.

"Alright class, today we're going to be making the Drought of Living Death. Everything you need is in your books. Get started." Slughorn said, making Severus unable to reply to me.

The whole class, I intercepted Potter and Black trying to ruin our potion, but Severus didn't seem to notice as he was too concentrated on the brew. I sighed when we finished the potion. I then raised my hand to get Slughorn's attention.

"Ah, Miss Darlington, Mister Snape, well done. I'm glad that the both of you improved over the summer break." Slughorn stated pointedly as he tested the potion with a leaf.

"Sir, with all due respect, we've always been amazing at potions, there's just two immature and ignorant toe-rags that kept messing with our cauldron." I replied, taking him off-guard.

"And who might those two be?" He asked.

"You wouldn't believe her." Snape replied with a sneer.

"I beg you to differ Mister Snape." Slughorn stated.

"James Potter and Sirius Black are the two, Professor." I replied before showing him all of the exploding chocolates I intercepted today. "Exploding chocolates sir." I added at his confused look.

"Professor, as much as I hate to side with two Slytherins, it's true that the past 5 years, including today, Potter and Black have been messing with their cauldron." Lily stated, making Severus and I share a confused look before he rolled his eyes.

"We don't need your help, Evans." Snape sneered.

I slapped his arm and glared at him.

"Thank you for telling the truth Lily, didn't think you'd out your boyfriend like that." I smirked at her, earning an amused smirk from Severus.

"He's not my boyfriend!" She hissed angrily.

"Mister Potter, Mister Black, is it true?" Slughorn asked the two who were glaring at all three of us the whole time.

"No Professor." They replied, making Lily turn to them furious.

"Don't lie to me boys." Slughorn stated while grabbing a vial of Veratiserum. The truth potion. "I can make you spill your darkest secrets if you lie to me." He added, making the boys' faces drop as everyone sniggered at them.

"Fine. It's true Professor." Potter finally gritted out.

"50 points from Gryffindor and detention for you two, Mister Potter and Mister Black." Slughorn stated. "For the rest of the term." He added, making me smirk at Severus, who was smirking back at me.

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