Chapter 11

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It's been a few years now, and tonight I'm helping Dumbledore set up for tomorrow's Order meeting.

"Jinx, Severus is wanting to talk to me alone. I'll be back. Make sure the meeting for the Order is properly taken care of." Dumbledore stated before disapparating away.

It's happening.

I sighed and finished readying the next meeting that was planned to happen tomorrow night.

"Jinx?" A voice I never thought I'd hear again so soon asked, making my body tense up as I slowly looked up to see Severus Snape with tears running down his face.

"Snape." I replied before I continued what I was doing.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"I could ask the same of you, traitor." I replied, making him flinch.

It hurt me saying that too, because technically I'm the traitor to him. I also knew why he was here.

"I came to get Dumbledore's help. Lily-" He started, but I cut him off.

"Thought you weren't talking after she married James?" I asked.

"They're going to die Jinx!" He exclaimed, making me pause from fixing the stack of papers in my hands.

'Remember, you have to say everything from the premonition Jinx.' I thought to myself.

"And you asked Dumbledore to save her." I sighed.

"To save all three of them." He said softly.

I had to pretend to be shocked, because I was by their sides when Harry was born not too long ago.

"Three? They had a kid?" I asked, feigning my shock.

"His name is Harry." He replied.

"Huh, I always wanted to name my son Harry." I stated, before sighing. "I don't think there's anything we can do, it's probably too late." I added.

"We?" He asked confused, before Fawkes landed on my shoulder and nuzzled my right cheek. "The Order..." He trailed off as if he just realized where I stood in this war.

"You're the one that chose his side, don't give me that look of betrayal Severus Snape." I hissed before McGonagall apparated into the office.

"Jinx the Potters-" McGonagall started, but once she saw Snape, she shut her mouth and raised her wand to him.

"Minerva, calm down. He's the one that warned Albus." I sighed. "Now, continue with what you were saying please." I added.

"We were too late." She replied before we looked at Snape as his eyes widened, and pain filled all of his features before he disapparated away.

I sighed deeply.

I followed suit before I heard his agony outside of the house. I slowly walked in and found him holding Lily's body in the nursery, where Harry was sitting crying his eyes out. I walked over to the crib and slowly picked Harry up to calm him down. I then noticed the lightning bolt wound.

"The Boy Who Lived." I whispered as he calmed down and played with my blue hair.

"Jinx, we have to take him to his aunt in the muggle world." Minerva said softly as she came in, ignoring Snape.

"I'll go with Dumbledore to take him, you take care of him." I stated as I motioned my head towards Snape.

She sighed and nodded before I walked out of the house to find Dumbledore standing in waiting.

We both sighed as I walked up to him with Harry sleeping in my arms now from crying so much.

"Looks like it came true." He said softly as he softly put his hand on Harry's head.

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