Chapter 10

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When I woke up, I was crying and cuddling my pillow. My heart was aching from my premonition.

I was watching Severus from behind a wall in the boat shed at Hogwarts. He was having a conversation with Lord Voldemort, who had his pet snake Nagini present.

"I can't explain why the wand is rejecting you my Lord." Severus stated, in a tone I didn't recognize.

Is that what he became over the years? He still doesn't look too bad at this age.

"I think I know why Severus. It's because you're the one that killed Dumbledore, so the wand belongs to you. I'm sorry old friend, but I must have the wand as my own." Voldemort sighed before turning his back on Severus. "Nagini." He added before he disapparated.

I watched in horror as Nagini attacked Severus by biting his neck. Once she bit him, she disapparated to her master. I watched as Severus fell to the ground and sat with his back to the wall.

"Severus!" I exclaimed as I ran to him.

"J-jinx?" He asked through coughs and groans.

"Please, don't die on me." I cried as I put pressure on his wound to try and stop the bleeding, but it would be minutes until the poison kills him.

"Go, you don't need to see me die." He groaned as he tried to push me away.

"I'm not leaving you alone!" I exclaimed.

"Why? I betrayed you." He asked sadly.

"Because I still bloody love you you idiot!" I replied harshly, making his eyes twinkle like they used to.

"I *cough* still love you too." He choked out before three students came running into the shed.

"Professor!" The one with glasses exclaimed as he slid on his knees over to us.

I then noticed the lightning bolt scar, and my heart swelled.

"Potter, Weasley, Granger, what are you doing here?" Severus asked as he tried not to choke on his blood again.

"We were too late professor, I'm so sorry." Harry replied as I saw the three of them crying.

"Jinx, in my cloak's inner pocket, there's an empty vial. Will you get it and hand it to Harry?" Severus asked me.

"Y-yeah." I replied as I had to choke back a sob.

"Harry, use the vial to catch my tear. It has my memories in it. Go to the headmaster's office and use the pensieve." He choked out.

Harry nodded and did as told before putting the cork back in it.

"Now you three go. It's not safe here." He told them.

"You were always our favorite professor, even though you were mean at times. You taught us a lot." The girl stated as she came over and patted his shoulder. "Thank you for being the best." She added.

"Go." He whispered, because he was losing his strength.

They nodded before they ran out of the shed and back to the school. That's when I remembered the Phoenix Tears that Dumbledore gave me many years ago. I always carry them with me.

"Sev, this might burn, and I pray to Merlin that it bloody works." I stated, making him look at me confused.

I pulled the vial out of my cloak's inner pocket before opening it. I just have to use a few drops, not the whole thing. I took a deep breath before carefully pouring the drops on the puncture wounds from Nagini. Severus hissed in slight pain before he leaned forward and started coughing the poison up.

That's where my premonition ended. I don't know if he lives or dies.

I slowly got out of bed before changing out of my sweat soaked nightgown into my regular Auror uniform before I apparated into Dumbledore's office to see him awake and doing paperwork.

"Albus, I had another premonition." I stated, knowing he already knew I was there.

"Put it in the pensieve. I can tell this one is the worst one you've had yet." He replied as he stood up and I followed him to the pensieve.

I used my wand to extract the memory of the premonition before putting it in the pensieve.

I then walked away and sat in one of the chairs while hugging my knees to my chest.

He sighed as he finished looking at the premonition.

"I feared this would happen." He sighed as he walked over to his desk and sat down.

"What? Snape being killed by the Dark Lord?" I asked as I looked up at him while wiping my tears away on my sleeves.

"No, that was unexpected. The part where Voldemort orders for my death to get the Elder Wand." He replied, making me nod and sigh.

"I'm sorry to say I didn't really pay attention to that part. I'm worried about Sev." I stated softly as I hugged my knees closer.

"He'll be fine, you use the Phoenix Tears I gave you. They will cure him." He replied while smiling softly.

I sighed and nodded, trying to hold on to the hope that Severus will be alright.

"Besides, he admits he never stopped loving you." He smiled, making me smile softly.

"That's true." I replied. "Alright, I better go. Breakfast starts soon." I added with a sigh before I stood up.

Fawkes then flew onto my arm as I raised it up for him.

"I'll see you for next months' meeting." I smiled softly while scratching Fawkes's underbelly.

He rubbed against my face before flying away.

I then nodded to Dumbledore before I apparated home.

I immediately went into my art studio, which was a spare bedroom before I converted it, and I started painting the part of my premonition that showed Severus immediately after he was attacked by Nagini.

After hours of painting the scene, I put the painting on my drying rack before I started painting something else. I didn't care what I painted, I just lost myself in my brush strokes and the different colors.

When I finished, I took a step back and sighed. I had ended up painting myself in Severus's arms. I put it on the drying rack before I cleaned up and left my art studio and went upstairs to my room.

I decided that I would just go back to sleep and hope to Merlin that I didn't have another premonition. I wanted a peaceful sleep, because I couldn't handle the dreams I've had of Severus the last couple of nights.

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